Yesterday we were at the mall and decided to go for it. We went to Build-A-Bear, let Lolli pick out an animal (she chose a pink unicorn) and told her it needed a pacifier more than her and asked her give hers to the unicorn. She said, "Bye, Pacifier!" and tossed it inside! For the rest of our time at the mall, she loved her unicorn (named Pinki).
However, once we got in the car to go home, things changed. She kept whining for a pacifier and we kept reminding her that she's given it to Pinki. She decided she hated Pinki and threw her to the ground. She was really overtired and whined for her pacifier the whole way home, and even stuck her fingers in her mouth a few times.
When we got home, we laid her in our bed for a nap. She refused to let Pinki join her, but she went right to sleep without even mentioning a pacifier. Since then we've gone on 3 car rides without mention of the pacifier! And she went to sleep last night and slept all night without mentioning it, or even fussing more than normal. I'm kind of expecting a relapse since this was so easy - Zach and I are shocked that she only whined for it during 1 car ride and hasn't mentioned it since. We'll see how today goes! (She still hates Pinki this morning LOL)