Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mystery poop

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving 09!
Today is Poppy's first Thanksgiving, and Lolli's 3rd! The girls wore their butterfly dresses with matching sweaters (Lolli's is mostly green and Poppy's is mostly pink). The family went to lunch at Carmen's and then second lunch at the Pucillo's. Poppy had her first food today - celery! Of course she didn't really eat it, but it sure made a nice teether for her! Lolli had so much fun playing with Paige; they even took a bath together. Poppy was a sweetheart all day no matter who was holding her. So much to be thankful for :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Poppy's 4 months old!
Poppy's 4 months old and weighs around 16 pounds. She loves bouncing in her jumper, sitting in her high chair and playing with spoons, and playing with her jungle gym. She still hasn't rolled over, but she's happy to stand up (while holding onto something) or sit (but she's still pretty wobbley). She has a bald spot on the back of her head from turning her head from side to side in the swing ha ha. She sleeps in the crib in a boppy (but the crib has 1 side bar taken off and is pushed up against Lauren's side of the big bed). She's a super happy baby who loves to smile and laugh. She LOVES attention and thrives on it. Her feet are her favorite toy and she likes to munch on celery. No teeth yet.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Lolli's 2 year well visit & update
Lolli had her 2 year well visit with the pediatrician today (even though she's almost 26 months old). She is 35 inches tall (2ft 11in LOL) and weighs 28.4 pounds. Both of those are in the 50th-75 percentile. She was very chatty with the doctor and nurse and didn't act afraid at all. Lolli loves stethoscopes and was very excited when the doctor 'listened' to her. When he asked to see in her ears, eyes, and mouth, Lolli cooperated so well and so quickly that the doctor said it was more like examining a 5 year old than a 2 year old! And when the nurse was going over 'milestones' she said that a 2 year old should be starting to use 2-word sentences. Then she paused, looked at Lolli, and said, "Okay, well, she's already talking in paragraphs, so...." :) Lolli has surpassed all of the 2 year milestones and even met some of the 3 year ones!
I stole this list of questions to ask Lolli:
What's your name? "Lolli Pucillo"
What is your favorite color? "orange" (She actually picks pink the most often)
What is your favorite breakfast? "pizza" (peanut butter sandwich or eggs or bananas)
What is your favorite lunch? "pizza" hahahaha (raviolis or cheese or mixed fruit)
What is your favorite lunch? "pizza" hahahaha (raviolis or cheese or mixed fruit)
What is your favorite dinner? "pizza" wow (Mac & Cheese, yogurt, grilled cheese)
What is your favorite kind of drink? silence (chocolate milk or apple juice, but she mostly drinks white milk and water)
What is your favorite snack? "I got a shoe, Mommy" (Apples and frozen peas)
~Okay, enough trying to let her answer; I'll speak for her~
What is your favorite movie? Snow White
What is your favorite book? The Going to Bed Book
What is your favorite song? Ring Around The Rosies, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old MacDonald, Happy Birthday, Row Row Row Your Boat
What food do you NOT like? Soda
What is your favorite toy? Her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, her 'food' for her play kitchen, her pretend camera, and her harmonica
What do you like to take to bed with you? She has to sleep in her boppy with her pink blanket and her green blanket
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Poppy looooves to blow raspberries and babble. She makes b sounds and g sounds and all sort of other cute little noises. Lolli thinks it's hilarious and always proclaims, "Poppy's talking!"
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Poppy's sitting up!
Poppy can sit up all by herself for about 20 seconds now. It's crazy! She still seems to prefer standing (and she can do that for about 20 seconds, too, but only if she's leaning on something. If Zach or Lauren hold her hands, she can stand even longer. She's a jumping bean, too, and LOVES her jumperoo. Such an active girl!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Poppy found her feet!
Poppy's favorite new toy is her own feet! She loves laying on her back and grabbing her toes, especially her right foot. So fun!
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