Monday, July 29, 2013

Ozzie's walking!

Ozzie's 14 months old and walking almost exclusively. He can stand himself back up if he falls down in the middle of a room. He's still pretty wobbly/bow-legged but he's getting steadier each day! So cute :)

Meet the teacher night!

Tomorrow is the first day of school! Both girls will be attending Sugar Creek Elementary. Lolli is in Mrs. Copeland's kindergarten class and Poppy is in Mrs. Stant's pre-k class. Lolli gets to ride the bus and her school day is 8:45-3:25 M-F. Poppy has to be driven to and from school and will attend T, W, R from 8:45-11:45. Tonight was Meet the Teacher night so each girl got a chance to meet their teacher and explore their classroom. Tomorrow's the big day!! They're reusing their backpacks from last year (Hello Kitty). Lolli's going to buy her lunch for at least the first week or so to get the hang of it. So exciting! She's a little bit nervous and worried about missing Lauren while she's away but hopefully that anxiety will subside as she adjusts to the all day, every day schedule. So grown up!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Holy molar!!

Lolli complained of her gum feeling funny. Lauren stuck her finger in there and sure enough, there's a new molar coming in! A fun surprise for everyone, as Lauren hadn't read up on when the next teeth were coming ha

Almost a weaner

Oz isn't even 14 months old yet but he hasn't nursed to sleep in months and hasn't boobed at all in a week or so.
Tonight, though, he couldn't settle to sleep til I BF'd him for a solid 20 minutes. I don't know if there was actually milk there or if he was just reliving his youth now that he's in the throes of toddlerhood, but it was sweet and good for my soul <3 div="">

Monday, July 1, 2013

Poppy's a fish!

Poppy's learning to swim! She's been proficient at swimming with her puddle jumper on for 2 summers now but this year she's starting to swim without it! She's really good at swimming underwater and is improving at swimming with her face out of the water. Soon she'll be able to swim across the whole pool with no help! Ozzie's practicing on swimming with a puddle jumper now :)