Lauren posted a link to Lolli's pictures on and here are some of the responses:
She's gorgeous!
She is soo adorable.
She is beautiful!
She's a cutie, and seems to be quite the little sleepy head! Adorable!
Too cute! She is a doll!
DS was sitting w/ me as I watched the slide show. He said " Baby has tail!" refering to the cord & clamp! LOl Then one he said "Baby poopy", but I dont know where he got that from. Then on the naked pics he said " Baby way to cold! Nudey Bootie!" LOL Whenever he sees' her pic from your posts he calls her "Cute baby". She really is one of the best looking newborns I've seen.
My favorite picture was in September, she's naked and laying on the white sheet - her head is on the right and her mouth is wide open in the shape of a "O" - best baby picture ever! She's absolutely beautiful, congrats!
I must say she is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. She is sooooo precious. Some babies are cute but she is by far the cutiest thing I have seen since my two babies, of course. :)