Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Two Month Photo Shoot

Lolli turns 2 months old on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year. Since her photographer's studio is in the mall, there's NO WAY Lauren was taking her for pictures that day! So Lauren and Zach took her tonight. Lolli wore her special red Christmas dress with rhinestones on it and her silver glitter shoes! She looked like a glamour queen! Everyone at the picture place wanted to take her home with them, but only Zach and Lauren were lucky enough to get to!
Lolli had a hard time looking at the camera because she preferred staring at the bright lights. Eventually though the photographer got 3 pretty good shots before Lolli started wailing. One family photo with Zach, Lauren and Lolli. And two of Lolli by herself. In fact, one of the Lolli-only pictures was soooo good that the photographers had Lauren fill out a Model Release form so that Lolli could be put up on the wall of their studio!!!
Lolli's gonna be a super model :)

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