Saturday, December 15, 2007

Great Aunt Jodi baby-sits!

Since Uncle Aaron & Aunt Annie are living with the Pucillo's now, they invited Zach & Lauren to go with them to BW3s for Doug's birthday dinner. Zach asked Jodi if she would like to baby-sit and of course she said yes. Zach & Lauren left a little bit after 7 and came home around 10:15. Again, Lolli didn't sleep the entire time. But this time she wasn't quite as happy as last night. She spent quite a bit of time crying. She fell asleep in Lauren's arms as soon as she picked her up though. And she sure slept good all night long, since she was so worn out! Luckily Jodi wasn't too traumatized - she's offered to babysit anytime Zach and Lauren need Lolli to get a little bit worn out and sleep good through the night :)

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