Monday, December 15, 2008

There's a Baby In There :)

Lauren is 10 weeks, 5 days pregnant and they had their first prenatal appointment this morning. It only took about 20 minutes from start to finish, including getting weighed, sitting with the doctor and chatting in her office, getting Lauren's annual exam including breasts (which Lolli got jealous of, LOL),and finally, listening for a heartbeat with the Doppler. Dr. Soper has amazing intuition for finding heartbeats and they all heard "whoosh whoosh whoosh" as soon as she placed the doppler thingie on the lower right side of Lauren's tummy.

Lolli was laying across Lauren's chest during all of this (except the breast exam), which was fun, because it made her feel like she was part of it all. Zach's assignment was to record the heartbeat on a little sound recorder from Build-A-Bear and he did a great job! They're going to take it to Build-A-Bear tonight and stuff it in a bear for Lolli to keep, so she can always listen to her little brother or sister's heartbeat.

Lauren had an easy pregnancy the first time around, but this one has been 100 times easier than that one, so she was a little bit apprehensive that something might have happened to the baby. She'd had a few "dead baby" dreams and is glad now to have proof that there really is a tiny heart beating in there :) She feels much more connected to the pregnancy now, and is looking forward to meeting my new son or daughter next summer!

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