Sunday, March 21, 2010

Poppy's 8 months old!

Poppy is 8 months old today! Lauren hasn't taken her for a weigh check for a while, but as of a month ago she was 18lbs 12oz. She has big brown eyes and brown hair that people keep saying it getting lighter. It's about 1-2 inches long all around her head, which is longer than Lolli's was at this age. Still not long enough for clips or ponytails yet.

Poppy can sit unassisted, stand when holding onto something, and is working on getting up on her hands and knees (although she hates tummy time). She can walk around in her walker any direction she wants. When she's sitting, she can spin around in a circle and sometimes scoots in one direction or another. She just started clapping and does it now to get attention, which is very cute. She likes to bang on things like table tops.

Poppy is a very happy baby outside of the home, but at home she gets pretty cranky. Apparently she's a happier baby when Lauren isn't around, because when Lauren IS around, Poppy is always screaming to be held by her. It makes for a rough day for Lauren and Poppy, especially when the weather is bad and they can't go outside.

Poppy nurses pretty much every 2 hours around the clock. She eats some solid foods, but prefers to feed herself. She mostly does fruit, veggies, and carbs, although she has had a few tastes of dairy and 1 bite of chicken. She does very well from a bottle but prefers chewing on sippy cups. She doesn't know how to do a straw yet.

Poppy sleeps unswaddled now (most nights) in Lauren and Zach's bed, in her boppy. Sometimes she naps on the couch and sometimes she naps in her crib (always in the boppy). She's great about napping in the car, too, and she's relatively easy to get to sleep, which is wonderful!

Poppy and Lolli are wonderful to each other. Lolli always wants Poppy to be included, which makes Poppy smile. It's been a great 8 months so far!

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