Sunday, April 25, 2010
March for Babies
Today was the March of Dimes - March for Babies. Lauren and Zach were members of Team IndyMoms and had been raising money for about a month - a grand total of $220! The walk was this morning in the pouring rain. The girls rode in the jogging stroller which thankfully has a rain cover so they didn't get too wet. Afterwards there was food and Lolli got her face painted. Ya gotta love little activists :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Poppy's 9 months old!

Poppy turns 9 months old today! She weighs around 21lbs and is ??in tall. She's still got brown eyes but her hair is almost blonde, especially in the sun. She has wonderfully chubby thighs and her arms are still pretty pudgy, too.
Poppy gets around by scooting on her booty. She scoots over to something and then pulls up on her knees (or, a couple times, all the way to standing). She refuses to go on her hands and knees ever since she learned to go from that position to sitting, so Zach and Lauren are trying to figure out other ways to encourage crawling. She's starting to get good at taking steps with someone holding her hand. She cruises a little bit, but not too excessively yet. She definitely gets around, though!
Poppy sleeps in her boppy in between Zach and Lauren in their bed at night. She wakes to nurse about every 2 hours, which must be her compensating for having been a very easy newborn ;) During the day she sleeps in her boppy or on a pillow in her big girl bed. She's a great car sleeper, too. In the evening she generally stays up until 8 or 9 and then snoozes on the couch until Z and L go to bed.
Poppy eats pretty much whatever she can get ahold of. She's a very good self-feeder and doesn't much care for being spoon-fed purees. She likes cereal bars, bananas, enchiladas (ha), pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches... really just about everything. But she still doesn't consume much quantity of any one thing at a time, so breastmilk is still her main source of nutrition (probably as much as 90%).
Poppy waves when she hears the word "hi" and claps when she hears the word "clap" or "Yay! or the sound of people clapping (like on game shows)" She says "Mama" and means it! She does a lot of other babbling, too, but no one can understand her LOL.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Road trip!
Lauren took Lolli and Poppy on a very long (17 hours) 7-state road trip to see Gma Cathy in Texas. Their friends Jaime and Elise came along, too, which was great! All the girls did better than anyone would have hoped, although the trip was not without its frustrations. Will post more later.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Poppy's Day of Milestones
Poppy had a very big day of firsts today, developmentally speaking! She rolled from back to tummy, and went from tummy to sitting. Then she started saying "mama" and meaning it! And then she pulled herself up all the way to standing (from sitting). She'd been pulling to her knees for a couple weeks but hadn't figured out how to get up on her feet yet. Yay, Poppy!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
3 teeth!
About a week or 2 ago, Lauren noticed a new tooth in Poppy's mouth, in the bottom, on the right side of her middle teeth. It's coming in nicely, with no sign of it's corresponding left-side partner! Still toothless up top, too!
Standing up!
Lauren and Poppy were hanging out in the grass today watching Lolli and Paige swing. Poppy was standing up, holding onto Lauren's hands to steady herself. Then she dropped one hand, and then the other, so she was standing all on her own. She stayed that was for a good 2-3 seconds, just standing there like she was all grown up :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Poppy's been really trying out her newfound abilities these past few days! Today she mastered going from her hands and knees into a sitting position. Now she can do it in no time flat, which makes forcing her to do hands-and-knees time a bit more challenging! Once she learns how to go from sitting to her hands and knees, she'll be good to go! She's already super close but sometimes her one foot gets stuck.
Puking Poppy
Poppy had a 2-3 hour puking this afternoon. The entire family walked over to Gma and Gpa Great's house (looong 7.2 miles!) and shortly after they arrived, Poppy spewed up all over herself in the duck. She proceeded to puke 3 more times in the next few hours. Otherwise she acted pretty normal. Thankfully it didn't last long and she seems to have fully recovered!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Pulling up to knees
Today Poppy was sitting on her bottom, then she scooted a few feet to get to the pole of Lolli's bunk bed. She grabbed onto it and pulled herself right up onto her knees! A major feat since she JUST learned knee-sitting!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Fun new beds!
Lauren happened to see an ad on IMLM for a loft bed with a slide coming down off it. She and Zach decided it was a good deal so they bought it. Zach picked it up this morning and put it together for Lolli and Poppy this evening. Lolli sleeps up top (about 3.5 feet off the ground) but she's has a rail in case she would decide to get really rolly in her sleep. There's a ladder going up on end and a slide coming down the other. Lolli absolutely LOVES it! She's really great at going up the ladder and she does it over and over so she can slide back down.
Eventually Poppy will sleep underneath, but for now she's still in Zach and Lauren's bed.
Hands and knees!
Poppy's never been a fan of sitting on her knees, despite Lauren's many attempts to get her to do so. But today when Lauren tried, Poppy cooperated! So she spent a good chunk of time sitting on her knees at her activity table. And then, when Lauren decided to try to plop her down on her hands and knees, Poppy stayed up! Being up on her hands and knees like that for prolonged amounts of times is surely conducive to crawling :)
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