Poppy turns 9 months old today! She weighs around 21lbs and is ??in tall. She's still got brown eyes but her hair is almost blonde, especially in the sun. She has wonderfully chubby thighs and her arms are still pretty pudgy, too.
Poppy gets around by scooting on her booty. She scoots over to something and then pulls up on her knees (or, a couple times, all the way to standing). She refuses to go on her hands and knees ever since she learned to go from that position to sitting, so Zach and Lauren are trying to figure out other ways to encourage crawling. She's starting to get good at taking steps with someone holding her hand. She cruises a little bit, but not too excessively yet. She definitely gets around, though!
Poppy sleeps in her boppy in between Zach and Lauren in their bed at night. She wakes to nurse about every 2 hours, which must be her compensating for having been a very easy newborn ;) During the day she sleeps in her boppy or on a pillow in her big girl bed. She's a great car sleeper, too. In the evening she generally stays up until 8 or 9 and then snoozes on the couch until Z and L go to bed.
Poppy eats pretty much whatever she can get ahold of. She's a very good self-feeder and doesn't much care for being spoon-fed purees. She likes cereal bars, bananas, enchiladas (ha), pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches... really just about everything. But she still doesn't consume much quantity of any one thing at a time, so breastmilk is still her main source of nutrition (probably as much as 90%).
Poppy waves when she hears the word "hi" and claps when she hears the word "clap" or "Yay! or the sound of people clapping (like on game shows)" She says "Mama" and means it! She does a lot of other babbling, too, but no one can understand her LOL.
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