Thursday, July 22, 2010

Marion County Fair

As you might recall, Poppy went to the fair last year when she was only 8 days old. She got to go again this year, and enjoyed it a lot more!

After Lauren got home from school, she, Zach, Lolli and Poppy went to the fair with Gma and Gpa Great, and Papaw Lucky. Lolli rose the Nemo ride (the one that terrified her the previous year!) and loved it. She also rode a ride w/ yellow fish. She played a game where she had to go fishing for sharks and won 3 little toys. She and Poppy played Duck Pond where they won 3 more toys! Poppy FREAKED OUT when she saw the carousel, so she rode it. And on the way out, Poppy rode a pony. Once she realized what was going on, she was so excited she couldn't hardly stand it LOL. It was lots of fun to go to the fair with lots of great family <3

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