Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lolli's 3rd birthday!

Today is Lolli's 3rd birthday! Lauren worked last night and got home around 7:30 to find Z and the girls watching tv - apparently they got up at 6:30! So Lauren got Lolli ready for school, fed her a birthday breakfast of waffles and M&Ms, and sent her off to school with the Mockaitis's. Lolli took party hats, blowers, and M&Ms for her classmates. After school, Zach, Lauren and Poppy picked up Lolli and MOlly and they all headed southeast to Newport Aquarium. The girls loooove that place and Lolli kept saying it was the best birthday ever. After that they hit up a candy shop and Lolli got a big unicorn sucker. After that they dropped Molly off and headed home, where Lolli got to open her gift from Zach and Lauren. It was a motorized scooter and Lolli loves it! She's a little awkward driving it, but she'll get better with practice!
All in all it was a wonderful birthday for a wonderful girl. Lolli's looking forward to her party on Saturday!

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