Friday, September 30, 2011

Lolli's excited!

Lolli is so excited about this baby! She tells me she wants to help me "get the baby out" and she wants to dry it off after it's born (after which she asks me a million questions about why babies come out wet). She is adamant that she does NOT want to "cut that thing" (the cord) but she does want the baby to sleep in her room in a pack n play so she can take care of it when it wakes up at night. She wants to name it Julie if it's a boy and Giraffey if it's a girl. She's hilarious.

We were watching birth videos on YouTube today and I told her that I might be a bit noisier than the particular mama we were watching, but that it's ok and Lolli shouldn't be scared. Her response? "I know what to do mom! I'll just put my hand over your mouth to keep you quiet!!" HA! I told her she could rub my back or sing to me but she should absolutely not put her hand anywhere near my mouth lol She cracks me up

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