Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A visit to the doctor

Lolli's teacher called saying she was complaining of an ear ache. When I picked her up, she did seem rather distraught about it, so I told her I'd call the doc (who is amazing and got her in at 6:15pm, just 3 hours after I called!). Turns out she does have a double ear infection despite not having had a cold or anything else recently. That sort of made me feel bad for telling her repeatedly that if we went to the doctor and there was nothing wrong with her, Santa would find out and might deduct the co-pay from her Christmas gifts ;) My kids love going to the doctor and they ask frequently to go, so it's hard to tell when they really need to or not.

Anyway, when Lolli's exam was over and it was time to leave, Poppy refused to get out of her chair. She looked at the NP and growled, "I. have. a. COUGH!" and then proceeded to give a pathetic little fake cough while crossing her arms definantly. Thankfully the NP played along and listened to Poppy's heart and lungs, then advised her to drink lots of water, get some rest and pick up a sticker at the front desk. Poppy was satisfied with that.

Cute story to tell, but I'm honestly terrified that I'm in way over my head with her. She's not even 2.5 and she's faking an illness to get attention. Fabulous. Can't wait for her teen years ;)

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