Monday, April 30, 2012

Love these girls!

As I tuck Poppy in she always asks about our plans for the next day and tonight was no exception. I told her all about tomorrow, and then she asked where we're going on Wednesday (my kids suck at staying home and it's exhausting, but I digress...). I told her I hadn't thought that far ahead and asked her where she'd go if she could pick anywhere in the whole wide world. She responded, "Um, probably Target."

Woohoo, I get to be super cool mom because I can totally make that dream trip come true! If only it were always this easy...

And tonight before bed, Lolli came up and hugged me and told me she loved me and that she was really going to help this week to keep things picked up and clean up all her messes for when the baby comes and when Gma Cathy & Rod come :)

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