Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lolli lost a tooth!

After it first being diagnosed by the dentist as "wiggly" 6 months ago, Lolli's tooth finally came out! It has been causing her a lot of grief for a couple days, so thank goodness! Tuesday morning it bled and she almost stayed home from school, but the tooth hung in there until today. Lauren picked the girls up from preschool and for their snack she brought them cheese roll-ups. After she bit into hers, Lolli said, "Um, mom, what's this hard white thing in my cheese roll up?" Lauren said ew and told her to throw it on the floor. Later when they got home Lolli smiled at Lauren and guess what - no tooth! She told Lolli to go look in the mirror and sure enough, the tooth had been lost. Literally. Suddenly the light bulb went off and Lauren knew what had been in Lolli's cheese roll up - the tooth! So Lauren spend about an hour tearing the van apart and finally found it so Lolli could put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy :)

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