Monday, March 4, 2013

Shoe shopping!

Lolli and Poppy gathered up 2 bags of toys to donate to Good Will, so Zach decided to celebrate the last day of his staycation by letting them each pick out 1 new toy at the mall. Lolli chose a Build a Bear Hello Kitty and Poppy chose a Doc McStuffins doctor kit. While they were at the mall, they saw that Stride Rite was having a BOGO50% sale so they stopped in to get Poppy the most fabulous, supportive shoes they could find. That girl is obsessed with wearing dress shoes that leave her feet blistered and in pain, so Lauren knew she needed something comfy with more arch support. Thankfully they found a bejeweled pair of pink Mary Jane tennis shoes that she loved - and that really increase her mall-walking speed, thank goodness! Lolli got a similar pair of purple Tangled shoes. Pop got a 10 and Lolli got an 11.5. Oz got his feet measured for the first time and got a pair of cruising shoes in size 3.5 wide. Because of the sale, he also got a pair of summer walking tennis shoes that are size 4.

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