Thursday, September 19, 2013

Oz the dog trainer

Dex was on my nerves and I am lazy so I jokingly told Oz to go let Dexter out of his crate and he walked right over and did it! Haha he's awesome.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A work of Oz

Ozzie's butt was red when I changed him downstairs before bed so I let him keep his booty out on the way upstairs. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he took a huge dump on the tile. This led to Poppy throwing a huge fit because I wouldn't let her clean it up until I got most of the poop already up because I didn't want her smearing everywhere. And now Lolli is afraid of Ozzie because she says she doesn't like the way his poop looks. But at least this ordeal saved a diaper. Maybe I should let Oz go bare butt on the tile more often!

Friday, September 13, 2013

The school year so far

We're 7 weeks into the school year already! Lolli LOVES kindergarten. She's learning so much and has never had a day lower than green on the behavior chart. She gets blues pretty regularly and occasionally an indigo - woohoo! She loves buying her lunch and is starting to branch out from always eating pb&j. She won't let Lauren pack her lunch because the one day she did, the note inside made Lolli cry. So now she equates bringing her lunch with sadness. But besides that and missing 3 days of school the 2nd week due to being sick, the year is a total success so far! Her favorite part of school is gym class. And art class. And music class. And media. And math. And reading. And lunch. And recess. And the bus... you get the picture lol Poppy loves her pre-k class, too and has also never had a day lower than green! She gets to buy her milk in the lunch line each day at snack time and sometimes she sees her older neighborhood friends in the halls or library which she thinks is fun. She can spell and write Penelope and is working hard on learning her letter sounds. Her favorite part of school is circle time.

Ozzie's vocab

Ozzie's vocabulary is expanding! He can now say Daddy, Mommy, Papaw, Poppy, Dog, Cat, Ball, Duck, Baseball, and poo poo (which he says over and over when I change his diaper ha ha). He signs more, please and eat as well as waves to mean bye bye, night night, and outside.

To the doctor we go!

Today was Ozzie's regularly schedule 15 month well child check, Poppy's 4 year visit, and Lolli had an appointment to get her ears looked at after failing her hearing screen at school. Everything went well! Poppy got her vaccines for kindergarten (4 shots - ouch!) but took it like a trooper (baby DOOOOLLLLLLLL). The doctor recommended Lolli take some Zyrtec or Allegra daily until her next hearing screen to see if that helps clear up the fluid in her ears. Ozzie: 31 inches, 22.2lbs, 18in head Poppy: 40.25 inches, 38.6lbs, BP 93/61, pulse 82 Lolli: 45.25 inches, 46.6lbs, BP 98/65, pulse 79

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lolli's a Daisy!

Lolli had her first Daisy meeting today. So far there are only 4 girls in their troop. Their uniform is a blue vest and their troop number is 1689. Lolli is so excited to earn badges but mostly she just wants to be in a parade :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ozzie's baseball creativity

Since he's the #1 fan of the Instructional League Cardinals, Ozzie spends a lot of his time trying to play baseball. A few weeks ago he was using a microphone as a bat and a ring-stand at a tee. Then he tried a Monster High doll as a bat and his basketball hoop as a tee (for the giant soccer ball). Today at story time he picked up a plastic brachiosaur and got in his batting stance. Lauren had to confiscate it before he decided to use someone's neck as a tee for their head ;)

Poppy knows her #!

Someone asked me if Poppy knew her phone number and I answered no. Poppy overheard me and said, "Um, Mom? It's 627-1264." Why yes, yes it is. Well done, Poppy! I appreciate you saving me the effort of trying to teach it to you ha ha