Thursday, April 3, 2014

Boy or girl??

Lauren decided she wanted to be able to tell Zach and the kids what the sex of the new baby is, so they agreed she'd go get an elective ultrasound at 15w 3d to peek at the baby's goods. Annie went with her and Sarah joined in on Skype. It wasn't long after the ultrasound started that the tech proclaimed, "You're having a little boy" and Lauren was stunned. How perfect! 2 girls, 2 boys :) When Lauren got home she got out all the pink and blue balloons she'd filled with white Sixlets and blown up earlier that week. She carefully added in a blue balloon full of blue Sixlets. Zach, Lolli and Poppy had fun popping the balloons with safety pins while Oz watched. It was Poppy who poppped the "money balloon" and she was quick to exclaim, "Blue! It's a boy!!!" So fun! There will be a photo shoot on the 6th to create an announcement to share the happy news with others. Can't wait!

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