Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lolli Kate

From IndyMoms.com

DH and I REALLY want to name our baby (if it's a girl) Lolli. We are both completely in love with the name. I've only heard it used once before (NBA player Scot Pollard's daughter).
DH has no worries about the name whatsoever. I am a little bit concerned that our daughter would grow up and wonder what her parents were smoking when they named her Lolli. She may feel it can't be taken seriously.
(I personally would love to be named something fun like Lolli. My parents almost called me Daisy and I so wish they had!)
So we picked Kate as the middle name. Simple and traditional. I figure if she really outgrows Lolli she would have a back up...
We have thought about using a longer name that could be shortened to Lolli to give her more options. But none of the names we came up with seemed appealing.
Dolores means "sadness" so that's out! Lolita has way too much stigma attached. We considered Lola but couldn't get the Barry Manilow song out of our heads! Anything else seems too forced: Lolliana, Lollia, Lolina.
Any suggestions, comments, thoughts?!? We need some outside input!

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