Cute pj's, weird face :)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Go Colts!
Lolli's first Colts game (outside of the womb) was the Texans game on her birth day. But, since everyone was a little bit sleepy and out of it that day, she was more excited about the Denver game. Lauren, Zach and she went to Lolli's Grandma Great's house and watched the game with Gma and Gpa Great, Aunt Jodi, and Uncle Kenney. Oh and dog-cousin Charlie.
The Colts are now undefeated with Lolli in utero (and SB champs) and 2-0 since she's been born! Go Horse!
The Colts are now undefeated with Lolli in utero (and SB champs) and 2-0 since she's been born! Go Horse!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Photo Shoot
When Zach and Lauren learned that Lolli had already gained back her birth weight (plus an ounce) by Friday, September 28, they hurried to get her "newborn" pictures taken. They booked an appointment at The Picture People in Greenwood Park Mall for that afternoon.
Upon arriving at the mall, Lauren and Zach struggled for a few minutes to figure out how to use Lolli's stroller. Once that battle had been once, they proceeded inside to the picture place. The photographer led everyone back to the set and asked Zach to strip Lolli down to her diaper. Well of course she'd peed so Lauren changed her in the bathroom. Then the photog took several shots before everyone realized Lolli was going to need to be fed before any more good shots could be taken.
Lauren and Lolli went behind a big black curtain and Lolli munched for about 6 or 7 minutes before they went to try some more pictures. But Lolli was STILL too hungry to focus so she and Lauren had to go eat some more. While Lauren was feeding Lolli, a young female employee opened the curtain and must have been SHOCKED to see someone breastfeeding because she exclaimed, "Oh My God!" and ran away. Haha!
Finally Lolli got full and the shoot resumed. Lolli was a pretty good model except that when it was time for the full nudey shots, she peed all over the blanket! Luckily the photographer had thought to put a plastic bag under the blanket so the bean bag didn't get wet! There were about 20 good pictures of little Lolli. Lauren and Zach narrowed it down to 3 and ordered prints of those. Everyone says Lolli is beautiful!
Upon arriving at the mall, Lauren and Zach struggled for a few minutes to figure out how to use Lolli's stroller. Once that battle had been once, they proceeded inside to the picture place. The photographer led everyone back to the set and asked Zach to strip Lolli down to her diaper. Well of course she'd peed so Lauren changed her in the bathroom. Then the photog took several shots before everyone realized Lolli was going to need to be fed before any more good shots could be taken.
Lauren and Lolli went behind a big black curtain and Lolli munched for about 6 or 7 minutes before they went to try some more pictures. But Lolli was STILL too hungry to focus so she and Lauren had to go eat some more. While Lauren was feeding Lolli, a young female employee opened the curtain and must have been SHOCKED to see someone breastfeeding because she exclaimed, "Oh My God!" and ran away. Haha!
Finally Lolli got full and the shoot resumed. Lolli was a pretty good model except that when it was time for the full nudey shots, she peed all over the blanket! Luckily the photographer had thought to put a plastic bag under the blanket so the bean bag didn't get wet! There were about 20 good pictures of little Lolli. Lauren and Zach narrowed it down to 3 and ordered prints of those. Everyone says Lolli is beautiful!
Home Nurse Visit
On Friday, September 28, Lolli and Lauren had a visit from a nurse. Methodist sends a nurse out to all new moms and babies as a courtesy to check up on how things are going.
The nurse arrived around noon and spent a few minutes asking Lauren questions. Then she checked Lauren's temperature, blood pressure, and uterus. A-OK! Then it was Lolli's turn. Lolli's temperature was good. Her food-intake and diaper-output were good, too! The nurse held Lolli by the window in the sunlight and declared her to have NO signs of jaundice (excellent!). Finally, she weighed Lolli - 8 pounds, 7 ounces!
This was especially exciting to Lauren and Zach because Lolli had been born on Sunday at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. On Tuesday, during her 48-hour check, Lolli weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. And now, just 3 days later she was back up above her birth weight! It is normal for babies to take 2 weeks to get back to their birth weight, so Lolli was way ahead of the curb!
This verified to the nurse (and Lauren) that breastfeeding was going well! Hooray!
The nurse arrived around noon and spent a few minutes asking Lauren questions. Then she checked Lauren's temperature, blood pressure, and uterus. A-OK! Then it was Lolli's turn. Lolli's temperature was good. Her food-intake and diaper-output were good, too! The nurse held Lolli by the window in the sunlight and declared her to have NO signs of jaundice (excellent!). Finally, she weighed Lolli - 8 pounds, 7 ounces!
This was especially exciting to Lauren and Zach because Lolli had been born on Sunday at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. On Tuesday, during her 48-hour check, Lolli weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. And now, just 3 days later she was back up above her birth weight! It is normal for babies to take 2 weeks to get back to their birth weight, so Lolli was way ahead of the curb!
This verified to the nurse (and Lauren) that breastfeeding was going well! Hooray!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Lolli in the Hospital


After she got all the poop cleaned off of her...

Daddy got to hold her first (ugh, so much for a birth plan)

The Pucillo Family - and baby makes 3!

The cutest burrito in the world!

Mommy & Lolli

Lolli pretty much hated everything for her first few months

Oh my gosh - she's FINALLY asleep!

Lolli and her first flowers

Ready to go home!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Special Delivery
Upon hearing Doctor Soper declare, "Time to push!" Zach sprang into action. He hooked up the video camera, called some family members into the room (who were quite surprised – this was an hour earlier than the nurse was supposed to even check Lauren’s progress), and took his spot at the head of the bed. Lauren's brother's fiancee, Annie, held her right leg and Lauren's mom held her left leg. The doctor was standing to Lauren's right. Zach’s mom was at the end of the bed videotaping.
Each time a contraction would start to show on the monitor, Lauren would be instructed to push for 3 sets of 10 seconds. Between contractions Lauren was laughing, waving to the camera, and making jokes. She was so glad to be able to feel when a contraction was coming, even though she couldn't feel the actual pain or anything.
After about 20 minutes of pushing the doctor called for the NICU team and Lauren gave one more 10 second push and out came the baby, all at once! A beautiful, screaming, meconium-covered little girl! Lauren said, "Oh no baby, please don't cry yet," because she didn't want the baby to breathe in the poop. But the doctor said it was ok, that at least the cries were letting us know the baby was vigorous and healthy. Then the doctor said, "She's a good size baby - a little chunker!"
The doctor quickly clamped and cut the cord before rushing the baby over to the NICU team. Lauren watched from across the room as they suctioned her little baby. Zach was stunned at first and Lauren had to remind him to get over there with the baby! It took about 10 or 15 minutes for the NICU team to be satisfied that the baby was meconium-free and could be taken to Lauren. During that time, Lauren delivered the placenta, which was green from the baby poop. Ew!
Finally the NICU team handed the bundled baby girl to Zach, who was stopped several times by photographing family members as he crossed the room to show Lauren their daughter. "Why am I the only one who hasn't seen my baby?!?" Lauren was hollering from her bed. Zach dodged the paparazzi (ha) and finally arrived at Lauren's bedside. The whole new family was together! Lauren held the baby for a while and laughed because she had nappy dark hair.
The nurse weighed the baby before Lauren started to feed her. 8 pounds, 6 ounces! Not huge, but definitely a good size baby! Lauren stripped the baby down to her diaper and put her to her breast. Instantly the baby because sucking! Smart little kid!While Lauren was feeding the baby, the rest of the family came in from the waiting room with tears in their eyes to meet the newest member of the family - Lorelai Kate aka *Lolli*
Each time a contraction would start to show on the monitor, Lauren would be instructed to push for 3 sets of 10 seconds. Between contractions Lauren was laughing, waving to the camera, and making jokes. She was so glad to be able to feel when a contraction was coming, even though she couldn't feel the actual pain or anything.
After about 20 minutes of pushing the doctor called for the NICU team and Lauren gave one more 10 second push and out came the baby, all at once! A beautiful, screaming, meconium-covered little girl! Lauren said, "Oh no baby, please don't cry yet," because she didn't want the baby to breathe in the poop. But the doctor said it was ok, that at least the cries were letting us know the baby was vigorous and healthy. Then the doctor said, "She's a good size baby - a little chunker!"
The doctor quickly clamped and cut the cord before rushing the baby over to the NICU team. Lauren watched from across the room as they suctioned her little baby. Zach was stunned at first and Lauren had to remind him to get over there with the baby! It took about 10 or 15 minutes for the NICU team to be satisfied that the baby was meconium-free and could be taken to Lauren. During that time, Lauren delivered the placenta, which was green from the baby poop. Ew!
Finally the NICU team handed the bundled baby girl to Zach, who was stopped several times by photographing family members as he crossed the room to show Lauren their daughter. "Why am I the only one who hasn't seen my baby?!?" Lauren was hollering from her bed. Zach dodged the paparazzi (ha) and finally arrived at Lauren's bedside. The whole new family was together! Lauren held the baby for a while and laughed because she had nappy dark hair.
The nurse weighed the baby before Lauren started to feed her. 8 pounds, 6 ounces! Not huge, but definitely a good size baby! Lauren stripped the baby down to her diaper and put her to her breast. Instantly the baby because sucking! Smart little kid!While Lauren was feeding the baby, the rest of the family came in from the waiting room with tears in their eyes to meet the newest member of the family - Lorelai Kate aka *Lolli*
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Birth of Lorelai Kate
Lauren's due date was September 19, 2007. This was pretty exciting because Zach's birthday is September 21, so Lauren was hoping to have the baby that day! Lots of other family members had birthdays in the days before and after the 19th, so it was likely that someone was going to be getting an extra special birthday gift!
The 19th came and went with no sign of a baby being born! Lauren's mom came into town and so on Zach's birthday he, Lauren, Lauren's mom and grandparents went miniature golfing at Rustic Gardens. Lauren did 36 squats during the 18 holes (teeing up and retrieving the ball from the hole) and apparently this got things started!
Upon returning home from the golfing, Lauren had some spotting and was very excited! Later that evening, she and Zach walked around the mall a lot and ate spicy hot wings with Zach's family in an effort to get things moving faster. By the time it was getting dark outside, Lauren was having somewhat regular contractions between 8 and 18 minutes apart. She tried to go to sleep but was too anxious, so at midnight she and Zach drove to the gas station for Tylenol PM. They slept until 5:30am.
Saturday morning Lauren's contractions were about 7 minutes apart so her and Zach went on a long walk to speed them up. After the walk her contractions were consistently 4 minutes apart. Lauren's spotting had turned into yellow gooey stuff, so Zach called the doctor, who said to go to the hospital. Lauren hit the shower while Zach packed and vacuumed. Lauren said a teary good-bye to her cats, because she knew this was the last time she would love them like her babies. Lauren's dad came over and followed them to the hospital (Lauren drove!).
Upon arriving at the hospital, Lauren had to pee in a cup and put on an incredibly unattractive hospital gown. They stuck her in Triage room 6 and hooked up monitors to track Lauren's contractions and the baby's heartrate. Zach had fun watching the screen and telling Lauren when a contraction was coming (as if she didn't know!). Finally Dr. Soper came and checked Lauren's cervix. 1 cm dilated, 75% effaced, head at -2 station. Not very far along at all! But that wasn't the big news. That stuff coming out of Lauren wasn't her mucous plus - it was amniotic fluid! AND it was green because of the meconium in it. This meant that the baby had pooped in utero and would have to have a NICU team present at delivery to suction her all out. Lauren was very upset because this voided all plans for Zach to catch the baby and Lauren to cut the cord once it had stopped pulsating. And, of course, she was worried about the health of the baby because she knew that meconium can be bad news if it gets in the baby’s lungs.
Lauren calmed down and really wanted to stand up (laying down during contractions hurts) so Zach got the nurse's ok. She brought Lauren some giant mesh undies and a big old diaper. Lauren stood beside the bed for only a few minutes before her water REALLY broke and green stuff was gushing everywhere. Lauren started screaming and crying (that water gushing out is a horrible feeling, and Lauren wasn’t dealing well with “poop coming out of her vagina”). Zach was kind of amused but did his best to calm her down.
Since Lauren's water had been broken (unbeknownst to her) for over 24 hours, the doctor had her admitted to the hospital.Lauren and Zach spent the next 5 hours playing Yahtzee, entertaining visitors, walking the maternity ward, and trying to relax through contractions. Lauren's dad, Lauren's mom, Lauren's friend Emily, Zach's parents, Zach's brother, Zach's sister, and Lauren's grandparents all came to await the arrival of the baby!
Unfortunately, Lauren's contractions weren't coming hard enough to get the baby out any time soon, so at 6:30 the doctor said she needed to start Pitocin (which induces labor). Lauren was VERY upset and asked for 1 hour before the IV was started. She banished all the family to the waiting room and bawled her eyes out for a second before springing into action. She and Zach ran laps around the maternity ward and tried squats, lunges, nipple stimulations, and anything else they could think of to increase the strength of the contractions naturally. It didn't work. Lauren talked the nurse into letting her eat some dry cereal and resigned herself to the IV while Zach called the doula.
The Pitocin started at 7:30pm. The nurse increased it every 30 minutes. It started making Lauren have "coupling contractions" which were hard, because there was no break between them. It was especially hard for Lauren to go to the bathroom now, because she had to drag the IV pole with her each time. Each time Lauren peed it would be followed with awful pain and the contractions would get worse. By 9:30, the pain was pretty intense and Lauren was out of energy to move. She sat in the rocker while the doula and Zach tried to make her feel better.
At 10:30 pm, with the actual birth seeming years away, Lauren broke down and asked for a moment alone with Zach. She told him that the contractions were coming too close together for her to get any rest and she was worried she wouldn't be able to make it all the way through the birth without breaking down. Lauren wanted to make sure she had plenty of energy to spend hours loving on her new baby after delivery! Zach was 100% ok with her getting an epidural, even though the plan had been for an unmedicated birth. And so the doula was sent home, the epidural was inserted and the medicine started flowing at 11:30.
Lauren had been absolutely terrified of the epidural but it wasn’t as bad as she had anticipated. She could still move her legs and could feel the contractions. Luckily she had done all of her peeing before the epidural was inserted, so she never had to be catheterized (her greatest fear). The nurse checked Lauren and she was 5 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and station -1 (0 during a contraction). She said should would be back to check Lauren again around 2am.
Zach invited all of Lauren's family in to visit again, since Lauren was in much better spirits now! Even though the purpose of the epidural was to let Lauren rest, it actually gave her energy and she chatted nonstop. Lauren's brother and his fiancee finally arrived and visited with her for a while. At around 12:25 Lauren finally decided she’d better try to get a nap in since the nurse was coming back in an hour and a half.
Around 12:30am, the monitor started having a hard time keeping Lolli's heart rate. It was showing big decelerations and sometimes no heartbeat at all. The nurse turned Lauren from side to side and repositioned the monitors but the heartbeat was still looking bad. The nurse called for the doctor.By the time the doctor arrived, Lauren was feeling a LOT of pressure in her bottom. She said to the doctor, “I’m pretty sure this baby is trying to come out my butt.” The doctor checked - "She's complete - time to push!" (The heart rate decelerations reflected on the monitor had been caused by the baby twisting and turning and trying to get out.)
Upon hearing Doctor Soper declare, "Time to push!" Zach sprang into action. He hooked up the video camera, called some family members into the room (who were quite surprised – this was an hour earlier than the nurse was supposed to even check Lauren’s progress), and took his spot at the head of the bed. Lauren's brother's fiancee, Annie, held her right leg and Lauren's mom held her left leg. The doctor was standing to Lauren's right. Zach’s mom was at the end of the bed videotaping.
Each time a contraction would start to show on the monitor, Lauren would be instructed to push for 3 sets of 10 seconds. Between contractions Lauren was laughing, waving to the camera, and making jokes. She was so glad to be able to feel when a contraction was coming, even though she couldn't feel the actual pain or anything.
After about 20 minutes of pushing the doctor called for the NICU team and Lauren gave one more 10 second push and out came the baby, all at once! A beautiful, screaming, meconium-covered little girl! Lauren said, "Oh no baby, please don't cry yet," because she didn't want the baby to breathe in the poop. But the doctor said it was ok, that at least the cries were letting us know the baby was vigorous and healthy. Then the doctor said, "She's a good size baby - a little chunker!"
The doctor quickly clamped and cut the cord before rushing the baby over to the NICU team. Lauren watched from across the room as they suctioned her little baby. Zach was stunned at first and Lauren had to remind him to get over there with the baby! It took about 10 or 15 minutes for the NICU team to be satisfied that the baby was meconium-free and could be taken to Lauren. During that time, Lauren delivered the placenta, which was green from the baby poop. Ew!
Finally the NICU team handed the bundled baby girl to Zach, who was stopped several times by photographing family members as he crossed the room to show Lauren their daughter. "Why am I the only one who hasn't seen my baby?!?" Lauren was hollering from her bed. Zach dodged the paparazzi (ha) and finally arrived at Lauren's bedside. The whole new family was together! Lauren held the baby for a while and laughed because she had nappy dark hair.
The nurse weighed the baby before Lauren started to feed her. 8 pounds, 6 ounces! Not huge, but definitely a good size baby! Lauren stripped the baby down to her diaper and put her to her breast. Instantly the baby because sucking! Smart little kid!While Lauren was feeding the baby, the rest of the family came in from the waiting room with tears in their eyes to meet the newest member of the family - Lorelai Kate aka *Lolli*
The 19th came and went with no sign of a baby being born! Lauren's mom came into town and so on Zach's birthday he, Lauren, Lauren's mom and grandparents went miniature golfing at Rustic Gardens. Lauren did 36 squats during the 18 holes (teeing up and retrieving the ball from the hole) and apparently this got things started!
Upon returning home from the golfing, Lauren had some spotting and was very excited! Later that evening, she and Zach walked around the mall a lot and ate spicy hot wings with Zach's family in an effort to get things moving faster. By the time it was getting dark outside, Lauren was having somewhat regular contractions between 8 and 18 minutes apart. She tried to go to sleep but was too anxious, so at midnight she and Zach drove to the gas station for Tylenol PM. They slept until 5:30am.
Saturday morning Lauren's contractions were about 7 minutes apart so her and Zach went on a long walk to speed them up. After the walk her contractions were consistently 4 minutes apart. Lauren's spotting had turned into yellow gooey stuff, so Zach called the doctor, who said to go to the hospital. Lauren hit the shower while Zach packed and vacuumed. Lauren said a teary good-bye to her cats, because she knew this was the last time she would love them like her babies. Lauren's dad came over and followed them to the hospital (Lauren drove!).
Upon arriving at the hospital, Lauren had to pee in a cup and put on an incredibly unattractive hospital gown. They stuck her in Triage room 6 and hooked up monitors to track Lauren's contractions and the baby's heartrate. Zach had fun watching the screen and telling Lauren when a contraction was coming (as if she didn't know!). Finally Dr. Soper came and checked Lauren's cervix. 1 cm dilated, 75% effaced, head at -2 station. Not very far along at all! But that wasn't the big news. That stuff coming out of Lauren wasn't her mucous plus - it was amniotic fluid! AND it was green because of the meconium in it. This meant that the baby had pooped in utero and would have to have a NICU team present at delivery to suction her all out. Lauren was very upset because this voided all plans for Zach to catch the baby and Lauren to cut the cord once it had stopped pulsating. And, of course, she was worried about the health of the baby because she knew that meconium can be bad news if it gets in the baby’s lungs.
Lauren calmed down and really wanted to stand up (laying down during contractions hurts) so Zach got the nurse's ok. She brought Lauren some giant mesh undies and a big old diaper. Lauren stood beside the bed for only a few minutes before her water REALLY broke and green stuff was gushing everywhere. Lauren started screaming and crying (that water gushing out is a horrible feeling, and Lauren wasn’t dealing well with “poop coming out of her vagina”). Zach was kind of amused but did his best to calm her down.
Since Lauren's water had been broken (unbeknownst to her) for over 24 hours, the doctor had her admitted to the hospital.Lauren and Zach spent the next 5 hours playing Yahtzee, entertaining visitors, walking the maternity ward, and trying to relax through contractions. Lauren's dad, Lauren's mom, Lauren's friend Emily, Zach's parents, Zach's brother, Zach's sister, and Lauren's grandparents all came to await the arrival of the baby!
Unfortunately, Lauren's contractions weren't coming hard enough to get the baby out any time soon, so at 6:30 the doctor said she needed to start Pitocin (which induces labor). Lauren was VERY upset and asked for 1 hour before the IV was started. She banished all the family to the waiting room and bawled her eyes out for a second before springing into action. She and Zach ran laps around the maternity ward and tried squats, lunges, nipple stimulations, and anything else they could think of to increase the strength of the contractions naturally. It didn't work. Lauren talked the nurse into letting her eat some dry cereal and resigned herself to the IV while Zach called the doula.
The Pitocin started at 7:30pm. The nurse increased it every 30 minutes. It started making Lauren have "coupling contractions" which were hard, because there was no break between them. It was especially hard for Lauren to go to the bathroom now, because she had to drag the IV pole with her each time. Each time Lauren peed it would be followed with awful pain and the contractions would get worse. By 9:30, the pain was pretty intense and Lauren was out of energy to move. She sat in the rocker while the doula and Zach tried to make her feel better.
At 10:30 pm, with the actual birth seeming years away, Lauren broke down and asked for a moment alone with Zach. She told him that the contractions were coming too close together for her to get any rest and she was worried she wouldn't be able to make it all the way through the birth without breaking down. Lauren wanted to make sure she had plenty of energy to spend hours loving on her new baby after delivery! Zach was 100% ok with her getting an epidural, even though the plan had been for an unmedicated birth. And so the doula was sent home, the epidural was inserted and the medicine started flowing at 11:30.
Lauren had been absolutely terrified of the epidural but it wasn’t as bad as she had anticipated. She could still move her legs and could feel the contractions. Luckily she had done all of her peeing before the epidural was inserted, so she never had to be catheterized (her greatest fear). The nurse checked Lauren and she was 5 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and station -1 (0 during a contraction). She said should would be back to check Lauren again around 2am.
Zach invited all of Lauren's family in to visit again, since Lauren was in much better spirits now! Even though the purpose of the epidural was to let Lauren rest, it actually gave her energy and she chatted nonstop. Lauren's brother and his fiancee finally arrived and visited with her for a while. At around 12:25 Lauren finally decided she’d better try to get a nap in since the nurse was coming back in an hour and a half.
Around 12:30am, the monitor started having a hard time keeping Lolli's heart rate. It was showing big decelerations and sometimes no heartbeat at all. The nurse turned Lauren from side to side and repositioned the monitors but the heartbeat was still looking bad. The nurse called for the doctor.By the time the doctor arrived, Lauren was feeling a LOT of pressure in her bottom. She said to the doctor, “I’m pretty sure this baby is trying to come out my butt.” The doctor checked - "She's complete - time to push!" (The heart rate decelerations reflected on the monitor had been caused by the baby twisting and turning and trying to get out.)
Upon hearing Doctor Soper declare, "Time to push!" Zach sprang into action. He hooked up the video camera, called some family members into the room (who were quite surprised – this was an hour earlier than the nurse was supposed to even check Lauren’s progress), and took his spot at the head of the bed. Lauren's brother's fiancee, Annie, held her right leg and Lauren's mom held her left leg. The doctor was standing to Lauren's right. Zach’s mom was at the end of the bed videotaping.
Each time a contraction would start to show on the monitor, Lauren would be instructed to push for 3 sets of 10 seconds. Between contractions Lauren was laughing, waving to the camera, and making jokes. She was so glad to be able to feel when a contraction was coming, even though she couldn't feel the actual pain or anything.
After about 20 minutes of pushing the doctor called for the NICU team and Lauren gave one more 10 second push and out came the baby, all at once! A beautiful, screaming, meconium-covered little girl! Lauren said, "Oh no baby, please don't cry yet," because she didn't want the baby to breathe in the poop. But the doctor said it was ok, that at least the cries were letting us know the baby was vigorous and healthy. Then the doctor said, "She's a good size baby - a little chunker!"
The doctor quickly clamped and cut the cord before rushing the baby over to the NICU team. Lauren watched from across the room as they suctioned her little baby. Zach was stunned at first and Lauren had to remind him to get over there with the baby! It took about 10 or 15 minutes for the NICU team to be satisfied that the baby was meconium-free and could be taken to Lauren. During that time, Lauren delivered the placenta, which was green from the baby poop. Ew!
Finally the NICU team handed the bundled baby girl to Zach, who was stopped several times by photographing family members as he crossed the room to show Lauren their daughter. "Why am I the only one who hasn't seen my baby?!?" Lauren was hollering from her bed. Zach dodged the paparazzi (ha) and finally arrived at Lauren's bedside. The whole new family was together! Lauren held the baby for a while and laughed because she had nappy dark hair.
The nurse weighed the baby before Lauren started to feed her. 8 pounds, 6 ounces! Not huge, but definitely a good size baby! Lauren stripped the baby down to her diaper and put her to her breast. Instantly the baby because sucking! Smart little kid!While Lauren was feeding the baby, the rest of the family came in from the waiting room with tears in their eyes to meet the newest member of the family - Lorelai Kate aka *Lolli*
Friday, September 21, 2007
Zachary Wayne (Hall) Pucillo met Lauren Renee Swain through an internet website called They had their first date on July 3rd, 2005. They went to the Indianapolis Zoo then had dinner at Cheeseburger In Paradise. After that they watched 3 movies in a row at Lauren's house. Much to Lauren's surprise, Zach even kissed her that night! It was the beginning of something wonderful!
Zachary asked Lauren for her hand in marriage on October 31, 2005. She said YES and they were married in a "surprise" ceremony at Judy's Wedding Chapel in Greenfield, IN on June 2, 2006 at 7:03pm. Only immediate family was in attendance. The wedding reception was held August 12, 2006 at The Columns ballroom in Greenwood, IN.
Zachary and Lauren knew they wanted children asap and were delighted on January 10, 2007 when they got a positive pregnancy test! The next 9 months were a pleasant surprise to Lauren, who had heard many pregnancy horror stories but was lucky enough to have a normal, healthy, easy pregnany. Zach and Lauren did lots of fun things while the baby was in utero, like go to concerts (The Fray, Nickelback, and The Village People), go on a 7-day Caribbean cruise, go to Colts games, go canoing, and lots more!
Zachary and Lauren decided not to find out the sex of the baby until he/she was born. Unfortunately that only lasted until 39 weeks into the pregnancy (the home stretch!) when the doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure the baby was head down and that the fluid level was good. Zach and Lauren broke down and asked to know the sex. It's a girl!!!
Zachary asked Lauren for her hand in marriage on October 31, 2005. She said YES and they were married in a "surprise" ceremony at Judy's Wedding Chapel in Greenfield, IN on June 2, 2006 at 7:03pm. Only immediate family was in attendance. The wedding reception was held August 12, 2006 at The Columns ballroom in Greenwood, IN.
Zachary and Lauren knew they wanted children asap and were delighted on January 10, 2007 when they got a positive pregnancy test! The next 9 months were a pleasant surprise to Lauren, who had heard many pregnancy horror stories but was lucky enough to have a normal, healthy, easy pregnany. Zach and Lauren did lots of fun things while the baby was in utero, like go to concerts (The Fray, Nickelback, and The Village People), go on a 7-day Caribbean cruise, go to Colts games, go canoing, and lots more!
Zachary and Lauren decided not to find out the sex of the baby until he/she was born. Unfortunately that only lasted until 39 weeks into the pregnancy (the home stretch!) when the doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure the baby was head down and that the fluid level was good. Zach and Lauren broke down and asked to know the sex. It's a girl!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Happy Due Date To Me!
Today I am officially 40 weeks pregnant!
When I laid down last night I told DH I was a little nervous about how I would feel when I woke up this morning. I know a lot of women go a little crazy if their due date arrives with no sign of a baby. I worried that knowing I am now 40 weeks would make me freak out.
Nope! I feel great this morning. I smiled when I updated the dry erase board on the fridge: "0 days 'til EDD - 14 days to go MAX!" I can totally handle 2 more weeks, if that's how long this little guy/gal decides he/she needs to go!
I've endured nausea, hip pain, tremendous pelvic pressure, stretch marks, and a couple other normal pregnancy "pitfalls." I am definitely not one of those women who *love* being pregnant. I am so excited to have my body be MY body again. I am SO ANXIOUS to meet this baby! I am so ready to kick labor's a$$!
But, really, if I made it this far, what's 2 more weeks?!?
Today I am officially 40 weeks pregnant!
When I laid down last night I told DH I was a little nervous about how I would feel when I woke up this morning. I know a lot of women go a little crazy if their due date arrives with no sign of a baby. I worried that knowing I am now 40 weeks would make me freak out.
Nope! I feel great this morning. I smiled when I updated the dry erase board on the fridge: "0 days 'til EDD - 14 days to go MAX!" I can totally handle 2 more weeks, if that's how long this little guy/gal decides he/she needs to go!
I've endured nausea, hip pain, tremendous pelvic pressure, stretch marks, and a couple other normal pregnancy "pitfalls." I am definitely not one of those women who *love* being pregnant. I am so excited to have my body be MY body again. I am SO ANXIOUS to meet this baby! I am so ready to kick labor's a$$!
But, really, if I made it this far, what's 2 more weeks?!?
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