Friday, September 28, 2007

Home Nurse Visit

On Friday, September 28, Lolli and Lauren had a visit from a nurse. Methodist sends a nurse out to all new moms and babies as a courtesy to check up on how things are going.

The nurse arrived around noon and spent a few minutes asking Lauren questions. Then she checked Lauren's temperature, blood pressure, and uterus. A-OK! Then it was Lolli's turn. Lolli's temperature was good. Her food-intake and diaper-output were good, too! The nurse held Lolli by the window in the sunlight and declared her to have NO signs of jaundice (excellent!). Finally, she weighed Lolli - 8 pounds, 7 ounces!

This was especially exciting to Lauren and Zach because Lolli had been born on Sunday at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. On Tuesday, during her 48-hour check, Lolli weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. And now, just 3 days later she was back up above her birth weight! It is normal for babies to take 2 weeks to get back to their birth weight, so Lolli was way ahead of the curb!

This verified to the nurse (and Lauren) that breastfeeding was going well! Hooray!

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