Monday, May 19, 2008

Lolli's 6 Month Shots

Even though Lolli is 6 months old, she just got her shots today. She couldn't get them last week at her 6 month appointment, because she was getting over a cold. The doctor said she was fine to get the shots as long as she didn't have a fever, but Lauren wasn't gonna take any chances with her baby!

Lolli was very brave today! She drank all of her Rotovirus and didn't even spit out a drop, which really impressed the nurse. Lolli didn't do quite as well with the shots, because she had to lay down. As soon as Lauren layed her back on that crinkly white paper, Lolli started crying. Lauren wasn're sure if it was because she knew the shots were coming, or just because Lolli prefers to be standing or sitting and hates laying down.

The shots were over and done with in about 30 seconds. Lolli was screaming her little head off until Lauren picked her up. The second Lauren had her in her arms, Lolli stopped crying. Whew! However, by that time Violet had started crying and she didn't stop for several minutes. Luckily Lolli was happy to let the nurse hold her while Lauren took care of Violet.

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