Monday, May 26, 2008

Lolli's Big Meal!

Lolli woke up at 7:45 this morning and ate both boobs around 8:30. Then around 10:30 she did something that surprised and impressed both Zach and Lauren: she ate an ENTIRE thing of baby food! All 3.5 ounces of banana-applesauce went into her mouth and down into her tummy! Woohoo!

Lauren hopes this is a sign of things to come. Lolli eating more solids during the day should *hopefully* lead to Lolli breastfeeding less during the night. She's currently eating every 3 hours around the clock, except for 1 or 2 longer stretches during the DAY (she's backwards on that one, huh?). She sleeps great at night except for waking up every 3 hours like clockwork and eating for 10 minutes (which is a long nursing session for her).

Also, Lauren can start making some baby food now that it seems like Lolli will actually eat it. Woot!

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