Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wading Pool

Lauren and Zach took Lauren to the neighborhood pool this afternoon. The water was a bit chilly, but Lolli didn't mind! The water in the baby pool is only about 18 inches deep, which was just perfect for Lolli! She could walk around holding onto Zach's hand, or all by herself when she was in her Lolli pad.

She also had lots of fun chasing her beach ball around and jumping into the big pool with the help of Zach. She still remembers how to kick even though it'd been almost a month since she went swimming. She's a fish!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

She went to sleep!

Lolli has been alive for 11 months, 5 days and around 8 hours… and she JUST went to sleep on her own for the first time :)

She started rubbing her eyes after breakfast, so Lauren changed her, took her into the bedroom, nursed her, and then laid down on the bed with her. Lolli kept wanting to play with Lauren, which was really frustrating to Lauren since she knew Lolli was tired.

So Lauren stuck her in her crib, gave her a kiss and walked out, totally expecting to hear agonizing screams blaring over the monitor. NOPE! Lolli whined for all of 7 seconds and it’s been quiet ever since!

So, for all of you new moms who are worried that cosleeping, night nursing, rocking baby to sleep, extended swaddling, etc, will lead to a baby who never goes to sleep on her own – Lolli is proof that it will eventually happen :)

ETA: Ok, it’s 1:31pm and she just did it AGAIN! I love it, but let's hope it’s not just a sign of getting sick or something, LOL!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lolli's Busy Day

Lauren, Lolli and Molly went to an IndyMoms lunch date at Pizza Doughmain today. Aside from Zosia (14 months), Lolli and Molly were the only kids there, so the kid-less moms had fun holding them and playing with them.

After lunch, Carrie and Zosia came over to Lolli's house to play. Shortly after, Brooke and Ava (10 1/2 months) came over. All the girls had a blast playing with each other and all of Lolli's toys. Shortly after Carrie and Zo went home, Jen and Violet (11 1/2 months) came over for a little bit. While they were here Gpa Swain and Kim stopped by. Then Jen and Violet left. Then Katie and Will (7 months) showed up. Then Gpa Swain and Kim left. Then Molly got picked up. Finally Brooke, Ava, Katie and Will left around dinner time and it was just Lauren and Lolli again! Busy day!!! Lolli and Lauren are very lucky to have so many friends!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ice Ice Baby

Lolli LOVES to eat ice! She tried it today for the first time and won't stop asking ("mama! mama!") for more. Zach and Lauren aren't sure if it's a teething thing or if she just likes the taste and chill, but it's funny to see her bed for it!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Lolli went tailgating for the first time today! She wore her Colts t shirt and her Colts beads, and even had a Colts coozie on her sippy cup! She, Lauren and Zach headed downtown around 3:30 where Lolli ate, played with Landon (3 years old) and gave out lots of kisses. The parking lot had some grass and shade trees so Lolli was able to crawl and cruise around without hurting her feet. She even got her picture taken with a fake Colts gorilla!


Lolli's about to get a new playmate!

Since Violet went to a new babysitter, Lauren looked online to see if anyone else needed part-time care on the SE side. She found an ad and responded.

Today Sarah, Matt, and their daughter Molly came over to meet Lauren, Zach and Lolli. It went very well and Molly starts on Tuesday! She's 6 1/2 months old, VERY happy, mostly breastfed, is kinda tiny (13 pounds) and is soooo adorable! All the adults seemed to get along really well, and Lolli is so excited to show off her toys and to teach Molly new things!

Lolli & Molly :) CUTE!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

11 Months!

Today is Lolli's 11 month birthday! She's starting to eat more food and has cut out a session or 2 of breastfeeding. She still loves to drink water and eat most types of fruit and many veggies. She won't drink juice, except for one kind that's green and thick. She's still breastfeeding about every 4 hours during the night.

Lolli's still crawling to get from place to place but she's getting more and more brave with her "cruising." She can walk pretty well now while holding onto just one of an adult's hands. She's a pro at going up stairs and likes to try to climb over small obstacles.

She takes 1-3 naps a day, with the first usually coming aorund lunch time and then another before dinner. She goes to bed between 8 and 10 and wakes up around 8:30 pretty consistently.

She says "mama" when she wants food or drink. She loves to chase the pets around and lay her head on them to give them a "hug." She's also really great at giving out kisses!

Lauren is busy planning Lolli's birthday party while Lolli works on being able to walk independently by then :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Scary Waitress!

Lauren and Lolli had lunch at Mozzi's today with Cindy, Ella, Carrie, Zosia, Amber, Landon and Mary. Lolli had fun crawling around and playing with Zo, but every time the waitress walked by, Lolli would make a horrible face and start to cry. It was kind of funny but at the same time it puzzled Lauren, since Lolli hasn't ever been afraid of anyone before. To be honest, the waitress did have a scary mustache, so you can't really blame Lolli for being grossed out ;)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lolli's kitchen!

Lolli's new Step 2 Lifestyle Dream Kitchen came today! It has a microwave, stove, oven, fridge, sink, several cabinets and drawers, a phone, and lots of dishes. Zach got it for her with his work reward points. It's awesome and Lolli has really enjoyed helping Zach put it together! She can't wait to get to play with it!!!

Still sick :(

Poor Lolli is STILL sick! She has a very mucousy-sounding cough and her nose runs off and on all day long, sometime with clear snot and other times with thick yellow stuff. She's been a real trooper though, and last night she stayed in bed all night (as opposed to needing to be rocked for an hour or 2 during the night). Lauren finally caught it from Lolli, and it's awful! her whole body aches and her head is pounding and her throat is on fire. Lolli is really brave to keep her spirits up even though she's so sick! Hopefully it goes away soon :(

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Whew - so far no pink eye!

Lolli's eyes were both crusty this morning, but they weren't pink or itchy-looking. She still got her eye drops today, just to be on the safe side. Her nose is still running but her eyes weren't as gooey today. She's still having a hard time sleeping and has been snoring since she's congested. It's cute, but sad.

She was well enough to go play at Gma and Gpa's this evening while Lauren and Zach went to the gym. She had lots of fun, although Gma said she wasn't her usual energetic self. She perked up around dinner-time though, and ate a pretty good meal. Hopefully she's on the mend!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ahhh - possible pink-eye!

Lolli’s nose started running off and on a few days ago, but nothing major – Lauren thought it was just teething. Tonight she was having a really hard time sleeping, so Zach turned the light on to see if they could suck her boogers out. Poor Lolli - her nose and left eye both had yellow crusty stuff on them!

Lauren was pretty sure Lolli just had a cold, but wasn't sure if crusty eye boogers can be normal with a cold? She called the doctor and left a message and emailed Jen to find out if Violet had had crusty eyes with her cold (that Lolli caught!).

Jen emailed back that Violet was diagnosed with pink eye on Monday - YIKES! Since Lauren watched Violet for about 6 hours on Friday, Lolli’s definitely been exposed :( Lolli’s eye doesn’t look pink (yet?) but there is more discharge coming out of it this morning. Poor girl!

*The doctor's office called her some prescription eye drops just in case she's developing pink eye. Hopefully they work!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby-sat at Jod's!

Lauren and Zach dropped Lolli off at Jodi's tonight while they went to the gym. Lolli had lots of fun playing with Lincoln and Charlie. Jodi took Lolli on a stroller ride and she enjoyed seeing new scenery. She ate a banana and didn't cry at all! Woohoo!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Lolli's 9 Month Check-up

Lolli had her 9 month well baby visit today, even though she's 10 1/2 months old ;) Everything is going great. She's 29 inches long (75th percentile), weighs 19 lbs, 6 oz (50th percentile), and her head is 18 inches (75th percentile). She's long and skinny with a big head - just like a lollipop ;)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Kissing Cousins

Lolli's favorite 3rd (or maybe 4th?) cousin Lucas came over tonight. Before he went upstairs to lay down, Lolli showered him with kisses - and he returned her affections! Is that even legal?!? (haha)

Taking the pony for a walk

Lolli loves to ride her Rock-N-Ride pony and now she's found a new way to play with "Roxy!" She pulls up next to the horse, grabs onto both of the handles, and pushes. She walks alongside Roxy as she pushes her around the room. Fun!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lolli goes to the gym!

Zach and Lauren joined FFF tonight. After signing all the papers, they had their first session with the physical trainer. Which meant Lolli had to go to the nursery! She was in there for an hour and did ok until about 10 minutes before Lauren came to pick her up. The nursery lady said Lolli was fine, crawling around and playing with the other kids. Then she just started to whine and cry for no reason. :(

On the way home from FFF, Lolli fell asleep within minutes. So apparently her problem was not that she didn't like the nursery, but that she was sleepy. She's gonna give it another go on Saturday morning when Zach and Lauren go back for their 2nd work-out. Luckily, FFF is centrally located between 3 family members' homes, so back-up care is available if Lolli decides she hates the nursery.

Not planning on that being the case, though :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One-handed walking

Lauren held just ONE of Lolli's hands today and Lolli took a couple of steps! She was really nervous though and kept trying to grab for Lauren's other hand with her free hand. She's got her balance, but she still prefers 2-handed walking for now. They'll keep working on it :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Go, hippo, go!

Since Lolli learned to "walk" and "push" the giant air log at Gymboree in Texas, Lauren thought maybe it was time to try her push toy again, the Goggle & Go Hippo.

Lauren stood Lolli up behind the hippo and Lolli grabbed the handle. When she leaned her weight on it, it began to roll forward - and she walked with it! Now she loves to push her hippo all over the house! She hasn't learned to turn corners yet, but she's working on it ;)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Climbing Baby

Tonight after arriving home from the airport, Lolli discovered the stairs when she saw Zach go up them. So, with Lauren climbing right behind her as a safety net, Lolli gave it her best try. She quickly figured out how to climb up to the next step and soon she was all the way at the top of the stairs! Now Lauren and Zach need to install a permanent gate because Lolli sure loves those stairs!!!