Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ahhh - possible pink-eye!

Lolli’s nose started running off and on a few days ago, but nothing major – Lauren thought it was just teething. Tonight she was having a really hard time sleeping, so Zach turned the light on to see if they could suck her boogers out. Poor Lolli - her nose and left eye both had yellow crusty stuff on them!

Lauren was pretty sure Lolli just had a cold, but wasn't sure if crusty eye boogers can be normal with a cold? She called the doctor and left a message and emailed Jen to find out if Violet had had crusty eyes with her cold (that Lolli caught!).

Jen emailed back that Violet was diagnosed with pink eye on Monday - YIKES! Since Lauren watched Violet for about 6 hours on Friday, Lolli’s definitely been exposed :( Lolli’s eye doesn’t look pink (yet?) but there is more discharge coming out of it this morning. Poor girl!

*The doctor's office called her some prescription eye drops just in case she's developing pink eye. Hopefully they work!

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