Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lolli's Busy Day

Lauren, Lolli and Molly went to an IndyMoms lunch date at Pizza Doughmain today. Aside from Zosia (14 months), Lolli and Molly were the only kids there, so the kid-less moms had fun holding them and playing with them.

After lunch, Carrie and Zosia came over to Lolli's house to play. Shortly after, Brooke and Ava (10 1/2 months) came over. All the girls had a blast playing with each other and all of Lolli's toys. Shortly after Carrie and Zo went home, Jen and Violet (11 1/2 months) came over for a little bit. While they were here Gpa Swain and Kim stopped by. Then Jen and Violet left. Then Katie and Will (7 months) showed up. Then Gpa Swain and Kim left. Then Molly got picked up. Finally Brooke, Ava, Katie and Will left around dinner time and it was just Lauren and Lolli again! Busy day!!! Lolli and Lauren are very lucky to have so many friends!

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