Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lolli's a Weaner!

Lolli has slept completely through the night for 3 night in a row now! For a couple of weeks she was sleeping through the night about every other night or so and still waking to nurse the other nights. But now she seems to be sleeping through the night consistently so it seems that she's weaned herself.

Lauren is glad that Lolli is developmentally ready to sleep through the night, and feels good about letting Lolli get there at her own pace without sleep training. And she's happy that Lolli didn't wean herself even earlier than this, since she quit day nursing MONTHS ago! But Lauren had hoped to continute breastfeeding through at least winter (18 months was the goal) and was completely comfortable with tandem nursing, so she's a little bummed that Lolli won't be getting any more mama milk. She knows it's common for toddlers to wean themselves in the middle of their mom's pregnancies and Lauren's 18 weeks, 4 days today so.... that's almost the middle!

So anyway, Lolli's a big girl now :)

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