Monday, May 11, 2009

18 Month Well Visit

Lolli's 18 Month Well Visit was today, even though she's coming up on 20 months old. She measured 32 inches tall, weighed in at 24 lbs 12oz, and has an 18 inch noggin. She's right at the 50th percentile for all of those. She's met all of the developmenal milestones expected for an 18-month old and has even mastered many of the 2-year old ones, so she's right on track!

She cried when she had to be laid down on the table to be measured, but other than that she was very brave. She loves the fish in the waiting room and had blast pointing out all the different colored fish. "Purple! Blue-a! "Ish" (orange) "Yellow!"

She showed the doctor where lots of her body parts are and repeated many words he said, which led the doctor to say to Zach and Lauren, "Ooohhh, you gotta watch what you say around this one!" Ha yes, they are very aware!

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