Friday, June 19, 2009

GBS Test Results

Lauren swabbed herself for Group Beta Strep at the home visit on Monday. Lynda sent it off to the lab and called Lauren with the results today - Negative! Woohoo! GBS isn't really a big deal, but testing positive would have meant deciding between doing nothing, doing a cleanse and re-testing, or just accepting antibiotics during early labor. Since the result was negative, Lauren doesn't have to do any decision-making at all! Awesome!

Lolli did great going to the chiropractor with Lauren this morning. She sits in her stroller and munches on M&Ms she buys from a machine right before going back to the room. She knows that the chiropractic care is becasue of the pregnancy so she says, "Poppy" a lot in the waiting room and the actual chiro room. She says "Whoa!" every time the chiro table goes up and down; it's hilarious! Dr. Nancy says Lauren's sacrum isn't buckled at all, which will make for a great, easy birth. Love it!

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