Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wetting the bed

This post is NOT about Lolli, ha ha ha

It's about Lauren. Zach had to travel 2 1/2 hours away for work on Monday and stay overnight. Lolli and Lauren decided to tag along to take advantage of his hotel pool.

So anyway, Lauren peed before bed (around 10) and then woke up to pee around midnight. Apparently she got super comfy in the soft hotel bed after that, because the next thing she knew it was 5:45am and she was peeing IN THE BED!

She sprang up as quickly as is possible for a 38-weeker and ran to the bathroom. Luckily she was sleeping in terry cloth shorts, which apparently are super absorbant. She somehow managed not to leave a trail of pee on her path to the commode, despite not being able to turn the "faucet" off (is it possible to do a kegel while running?!). She made it to the toilet and continued to pee for what seemed like forever. Maybe she drank too much before bed?

So anyway, she cleaned herself up, changed clothes, and stayed awake until she got a BH contraction, just to make sure she hadn't mistaken amniotic fluid for pee. A couple weak contractions came and went and nothing leaked out of her, so she had to accept the fact that she's just a bed-wetter.

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