Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Girl Bed!

Lolli is making Lauren crazy at night, because she always insists on rolling over onto her pillow. Lolli's a human heater and Lauren can't sleep well when she's too warm. To remedy this problem, Lauren moved a twin bed downstairs into their bedroom yesterday. So now they've got:the crib (w/ 1 rail removed), then the king size bed, then the twin bed. It's almost wall-to-wall sleeping places!

Lolli seemed very excited about her big girl bed and big girl pillow (a real pillow instead of her boppy). She napped happily in it the first day and even stayed in it the whole night her first night! This allowed Lauren to let Poppy sleep in bed between her and Zach, so now the crib might get moved upstairs. It's musical beds in this house!

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