Poppy is generally a very happy, social girl. She's developed a bit of anxiety about not being help by Lauren when she's in sight, but she's usually happy to go to other people. She's been sick on top of teething lately and has had a hard time with that.
Poppy still sleeps swaddled and usually naps in her swing during the day. She takes 3-5 naps a day. She sleeps well in the car, too. At night she sleeps swaddled, on her side in her Boppy between Lauren and Zach in their bed. She wakes every 2-3 hours to nurse. She usually goes to bed between 8 and 10 and wakes up around 7 (sometimes earlier or later, though).
Poppy is sitting up all on her own. She babbles ("ba ba ba ba") and blows raspberries. She can roll over from her tummy to her back but doesn't care to roll from her back to her tummy, apparently. She moves in a circle during tummy time but no crawling yet. She'll stand if someone props her up, but doesn't pull herself up yet. She loves her pacifier but usually spits it out a few minutes after falling asleep.
Lauren is going to take Poppy to get weighed and measured tomorrow!
Poppy still has a hairy lower back, ha! She's got great skin and isn't prone to rashes or anything. Her eyes and big, brown and beautiful. Her hair is really growing and is almost the length that Lolli's was at one year. It sticks out of her ears and drives Lauren nuts. Her bald spot is almost all filled in. She has lovely chubby rolls on her thighs!
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