Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Half Birthday, Lolli!

Lolli is 6 months old today! She gets to share her half birthday with Easter, which is cool, since Lolli shared her birthday with the first day of Autumn!

Here's an update of Lolli's life as a 6-month old!

She can eat food now! So far she has tried cereal, banana, avacado, sweet potato, carrot, and squash. She seems to like carrots the best. Breastmilk is still her primary source of nutrition and will remain that way until after her first birthday. Oh, she has also had part of a sucker (see the '6-month photo shoot' post...).

Lolli STILL sleeps swaddled at home. During the day she naps swaddled in the swing or unswaddled in the carseat during car rides. At night she sleeps swaddled in Zach & Lauren's bed. She sleeps in the boppy, usually on her side. Sometimes she gets an arm out of the swaddle and sleeps through it but occasionally she has to be reswaddled during the night. Lolli still takes between 3 and 5 naps a day. 4 or 5 is the magic number. If she only takes 3, she has a very hard time getting to sleep for the night.

Lolli can roll over but doesn't do it much. She can sit up all by herself now! She gets very frustrated with tummy time because she wants to be crawling but just can't figure it out. Everything Lolli can grab goes right into her mouth. She's very fast, too. And has a death grip when she doesn't want to let go of something!

Lolli has a totally different disposition than she did 3 months ago! She is now generally a very happy baby. She is very active and very observant. She has a hard time breastfeeding if anything is going on around her because she has to unlatch and look around.

Lolli's eyes are still a gorgeous blue! They are very dark blue around the outside with a lighter blue in the middle. Her hair is now white-blonde, no more dark hair! The once-bald spot on the back of her head is now covered with peach fuzz. The hair on the crown of her head is growing in much thicker now. The hair on the front of her head is getting longer every day! Zach likes to mess up her hair now.

Lolli is learning new things each day. Lauren and Zach are so lucky to have her! Lolli gets attention from strangers everywhere she goes, usually about her big blue eyes. Lolli's favorite game is peek-a-boo and she also loves "I'm gonna get you!" She loves to pull on the pets' fur. She also loves to eat her toes (yum!). She has a baby doll that says, "I LOVE YOU" and it makes Lolli smile every time!

It's been an amazing 6 months...

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