Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Water, water everywhere

Lauren & Lolli went to Greenfield to meet Zach for lunch at Applebees today. Zach arrived first and ordered drinks and an appetizer. Then Lauren & Lolli got there. Lauren put Lolli's carseat in the booth and got Lolli out. Lolli was standing on lauren's lap while Lauren reached into the carseat to grab the pacifiers. And then suddenly...

SPLASH! In the 1/2 that Lauren had her head turned, Lolli smacked Lauren's full cup of ice water over and it spilled all over Lauren's lap! Lolli was pretty amused by the incident but Lauren was... NOT! Thankfully the waiter was very nice about it. And Lauren learned that she cannot lok away from Lolli for even 1/2 a second when there is things within her little arms' reach!

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