Friday, March 28, 2008

Lolli's first SICK doctor's visit :(

Lolli started acting weird Wednesday night. She didn't sleep well at all. She took a ridiculous amount of naps on Thursday, which Lauren hoped was just due to her sleeplessness the night before. Then Lolli started to whine and cry and developed a fever. Again she and Lauren spent a sleepless night in bed.

This morning Lolli had a fever of 100.7 and was still very whiny and glassy-eyed. Lauren called the doctor and made an appointment for 11.

Lauren and Lolli picked Zach up from the airport (hooray!) and then they all went to the doctor's office. Lolli seemed to enjoy watching the colorful fish swim around the aquarium but it was still obvious she felt miserable.

The doctor examined Lolli's ears and throat. He listened to her lungs and felt her gums. He found nothing wrong with her. He advised Lauren and Zach to keep Lolli "doped up" on Tylenol and Motrin this weekend and to call back on Monday if her fever hasn't broken.

Poor Lolli :(

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