Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Lolli can now answer the question, "What does a dog say?" She responds with a quiet, high-pitched "ooof" which Lauren thinks is a spin off of "woof." It's very cute!

Today Lolli also learned how to climb up onto the couch, which is terrifying for Zach and Lauren. She likes to run from one end of the couch into the back (it's a sectional) and kind of bounce off of it. It's terribly dangerous but she's fallen off a couple of times already and so far, no ER visits. It's a good thing there's an soft ottoman in front of the couch and not a table!

Lolli *might* have said "mama" and meant it today! She walked up to Lauren, help up her arms to be picked up and said "mama." Lauren had no food or drink in her hands, so it appears that Lolli is finally getting things figured out haha!

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