Friday, October 24, 2008

"P p p p"

Lolli is learning new "words" all the time! She now says a 'p' sound for "please" and says "Bah!" for ball. She knows that a dog says "woof" and a cow says "moooo." She just learned the sign for baby and does it whenever she hears the word spoken. She still says "dad" and "dada" and sometimes says "mama" or "meeeeeee" for food, but is starting to replace it with her "p p p p" for please. She still says dog and kitty cat but sometimes they sound alike. Dog is kind of like "gawg" and kitty cat is sort of "ka cot." She almost certainly says the word "duck" and most of the time she remembers tha a duck goes "quack quack." It'll be a while before her vocabulary is sufficient for acting out Shakespeare, but she's off to a great start :)

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