Monday, October 6, 2008

Pee Pee In The Potty!!!

Lolli had 2 big milestones today in the potty training area.

This morning, Lolli woke up around 8:30 and she played in bed with Lauren and Zach for about 20 minutes, during which time she pooped. So Lauren changed her and they went out to the living room to play.

About 15 minutes later, Lolli walked from the living room to the bedroom, grabbed the container of baby wipes, and brought them out to Lauren. Lauren told her she wasn't going to change her diap;er right then because she'd just changed her 15 minutes earlier, after she'd pooped. Lolli kept insisting, and so finally Lauren checked her diaper. Turns out Lolli was right - she'd pooped!!! And she realized that she had pooped, and knew that Lauren would need the baby wipes to get her clean again. Sooooo smart!!!

And then later this evening, Lauren went into the Colts bathroom to pee. Lolli followed her and tried to get up on her own potty. So Lauren took her diaper off her and sat her on the potty. Sure enough, Lolli peed!

Of course Lolli is not likely to be nearing being potty trained, since she's barely a year old. But it's still great that she's showing some interest! Hooray, Lolli!!!

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