Thursday, May 31, 2012
No more stump :)
Lolli & Poppy are super excited and proud to announce that as of 4:09 this afternoon, their little brother has a belly button! Ozzie's cordless!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Big day!
Zach, Lauren, Lolli, Poppy & Ozzie picked up breakfast at McDonalds and took it to Sugar Creek Park for a picnic. Then Zach and Lolli disc golfed and the girls played on the playground. Poppy ran some laps to get her energy out LOL It was a great first outing for the entire family of 5!
Then they went to Gma Great's and visited for a while. Zach and Lolli fished while Poppy hung out inside with Lauren, Gma Great, Gma Cathy & Ozzie.
Then Zach took the girls to Great Time while Lauren, Gma Cathy & Oz headed to Babies R Us for his first shopping spree. The kid had no idea he left the house! He slept through the whole thing but at least he got some super cute clothes and a pair of sandals out of the adventure :)
Finally, Zach, Lauren & Ozzie went to Stone Creek Dining Company in Noblesville for an anniversary dinner from Gma Cathy. Again, Ozzie slept through the whole thing! So it was a very wonderful date night for Zach & Lauren, who are actually getting enough sleep and feeling like humans despite having a 4 day old baby!
Then they went to Gma Great's and visited for a while. Zach and Lolli fished while Poppy hung out inside with Lauren, Gma Great, Gma Cathy & Ozzie.
Then Zach took the girls to Great Time while Lauren, Gma Cathy & Oz headed to Babies R Us for his first shopping spree. The kid had no idea he left the house! He slept through the whole thing but at least he got some super cute clothes and a pair of sandals out of the adventure :)
Finally, Zach, Lauren & Ozzie went to Stone Creek Dining Company in Noblesville for an anniversary dinner from Gma Cathy. Again, Ozzie slept through the whole thing! So it was a very wonderful date night for Zach & Lauren, who are actually getting enough sleep and feeling like humans despite having a 4 day old baby!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
First outing!
Lauren, Gma Cathy & Ozzie went bra shopping today! It was Oz's first time being outside the house in his entire life, so it was a pretty big deal! It took Lauren forever to get the car situation (had to get that middle seat 'front and center') but eventually it worked out. He was a very good shopper and Lauren managed to find 4 bras she actually liked!
Monday, May 28, 2012
48 hour check-up
Lynda and Shannon stopped by this afternoon for Oz's 48 hour check-up. His exam went perfectly and he survived his heel stick for the newborn screen. He weighed in at 8lbs 12oz which is no surprise considering how much he pooped in his first 24 hours of life!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Orion Zane Pucillo (condensed version)
Orion Zane Pucillo was born at home into the water (my first tub birth!) at 41weeks 2days, weighing 9lbs 4oz and measuring 22.5 inches. Still can't believe he has a penis!!!
Long story short: My water broke during a random contraction Thursday morning at 12:58am... and we waited and waited and waited. Labor didn't start 'til Friday evening and even then my contractions never got close together. Somehow I slept in 5 minute increments from 10p-6a 'cause my contractions were still 10 minutes apart even though they SUCKED.
The pushing stage caught us off guard this morning and little Ozzie's head was born into his dad's hands just as our first birth attendant was walking in the front door. Zach was sure glad to have someone else around to help as the rest of Oz emerged about 60 seconds later at 7:49am, just 13 minutes after we sent out the notice for my birth team and family member to think about starting to head over, but telling them there was no rush. Whoops!
Other than the fact that I have no pictures or video of the birth, and not even 1 friend or family member made it in time to see Ozzie's big arrival, it was still very amazing ♥ He's a natural at breastfeeding and I feel great!
Also very thankful we weren't planning a hospital birth because even if I had been able to talk them into letting me wait 55 hours between my water breaking and giving birth, we only really had about 7 minutes notice that birth was imminent, so I would have ended up with an unassisted, unplanned home or car birth, which would definitely not be ideal!
Looking back, I suppose I was going through transition around 6:45am when I told Zach I was thinking about heading to the hospital for some Pit, an epi and a nap... but I was in total denial since my contractions had stayed so spaced out. Even when I got into the tub about 45 minutes before the birth, I was a little worried that I was getting in too soon during early labor and I'd slow things way down. So interesting!
Long story short: My water broke during a random contraction Thursday morning at 12:58am... and we waited and waited and waited. Labor didn't start 'til Friday evening and even then my contractions never got close together. Somehow I slept in 5 minute increments from 10p-6a 'cause my contractions were still 10 minutes apart even though they SUCKED.
The pushing stage caught us off guard this morning and little Ozzie's head was born into his dad's hands just as our first birth attendant was walking in the front door. Zach was sure glad to have someone else around to help as the rest of Oz emerged about 60 seconds later at 7:49am, just 13 minutes after we sent out the notice for my birth team and family member to think about starting to head over, but telling them there was no rush. Whoops!
Other than the fact that I have no pictures or video of the birth, and not even 1 friend or family member made it in time to see Ozzie's big arrival, it was still very amazing ♥ He's a natural at breastfeeding and I feel great!
Also very thankful we weren't planning a hospital birth because even if I had been able to talk them into letting me wait 55 hours between my water breaking and giving birth, we only really had about 7 minutes notice that birth was imminent, so I would have ended up with an unassisted, unplanned home or car birth, which would definitely not be ideal!
Looking back, I suppose I was going through transition around 6:45am when I told Zach I was thinking about heading to the hospital for some Pit, an epi and a nap... but I was in total denial since my contractions had stayed so spaced out. Even when I got into the tub about 45 minutes before the birth, I was a little worried that I was getting in too soon during early labor and I'd slow things way down. So interesting!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Another overachiever!
As of 1:26 this morning, Baby #3 has officially gestated longer than its biggest sister. It still has a ways to go if it wants to beat out Poppy, though! That milestone won't be reached until 3:51am on May 30th. We shall see!
The tub was delivered Thursday night (my EDD) and we got it all set up Friday morning. We filled it Saturday afternoon and Lauren got in it twice yesterday just because it feels AWESOME to be weightless. Plus it's in the bedroom so she can watch tv from the tub ;)
Poppy is super sweet and when you ask her what's in the bedroom she says, "A pool! For mommy to get in to get the baby out! Of her vagina!" Hahahaha And if I ask her if she's going to help she says she's going to "Hold your hand and kiss you and tell you I love you!" Lolli is doing a fantastic job of being patient; I love that "due dates" don't meany anything to them so they're not getting impatient, as we've told them all along it'll probably be a May baby but it could be a June baby, too.
Today makes the kid a Gemini instead of a Taurus. Lauren's a Capricorn, Zach's a Virgo, Lolli's a Libra and Poppy's a Cancer. We've got quite a variety in this household, especially considering Lolli & Zach's birthdays are only 2 days apart. It's also neat that this will be a spring baby, Poppy's a summer baby and Lolli was born on the first day of fall :) I have no desire to have a winter baby, though - I like my warm weather 3rd trimesters very much!
46% of the birth date guesses on the ExpectNet poll have expired. No one even guessed a June date although I won't hit 43 weeks until June 7th. Ay yi yi!
The tub was delivered Thursday night (my EDD) and we got it all set up Friday morning. We filled it Saturday afternoon and Lauren got in it twice yesterday just because it feels AWESOME to be weightless. Plus it's in the bedroom so she can watch tv from the tub ;)
Poppy is super sweet and when you ask her what's in the bedroom she says, "A pool! For mommy to get in to get the baby out! Of her vagina!" Hahahaha And if I ask her if she's going to help she says she's going to "Hold your hand and kiss you and tell you I love you!" Lolli is doing a fantastic job of being patient; I love that "due dates" don't meany anything to them so they're not getting impatient, as we've told them all along it'll probably be a May baby but it could be a June baby, too.
Today makes the kid a Gemini instead of a Taurus. Lauren's a Capricorn, Zach's a Virgo, Lolli's a Libra and Poppy's a Cancer. We've got quite a variety in this household, especially considering Lolli & Zach's birthdays are only 2 days apart. It's also neat that this will be a spring baby, Poppy's a summer baby and Lolli was born on the first day of fall :) I have no desire to have a winter baby, though - I like my warm weather 3rd trimesters very much!
46% of the birth date guesses on the ExpectNet poll have expired. No one even guessed a June date although I won't hit 43 weeks until June 7th. Ay yi yi!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Families R.O.C.K. 5k
The girls spent the night at Gma & Gpa Great's last night. Zach and Lauren took advantage of the opportunity to go out for a leisurely and YUMMY dinner at the Melting Pot since they won't have the chance again for several months! At first they were seated in a booth they'd never sat in before but oddly enough, the burner wasn't working right so they had to be moved - to the exact booth they've sat in every single other time they've been there. Hilarious!
This morning Z & L put on their running clothes and headed for Southeastway Park for the Indiana Creek Church Families R.O.C.K. 5k. It was a HOT and cloudless morning but 3.1 miles seemed so short after the race they'd run just 2 weeks ago :) Gma & Gpa brought the girls to the park to play, cheer, and get their faces painted while mom and dad were racing. Zach finished in 29:28 and Lauren, despite being 2 days pas her due date, finished in 47:25. That's still 19 minutes slower than the last 5k she ran (the MeltDown in July where she got 28 something) but she was just happy to be out there working up a sweat and getting a little endorphin rush! There aren't any nearby 5ks going on next weekend so Zach says if Lauren's still pregnant he'll organize a Wanamaker 5k for her to walk ;)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Due Date!
With both previous pregnancies I've written a nice reflective post on my EDD. For some reason I don't feel like doing that just yet, so I'm not gonna force it. I had an appointment with Lynda today. Sarah, Molly & Charlie came along! And actually they brought me cupcakes and a Diet Coke for my due date, because they are the most thoughtful people ever :) The kids played nicely at Lynda's and Sarah snapped some pictures that I'll treasure forever! Lolli was very sweet and helpful, feeling around to find the baby's position and kissing me while Lynda did the measuring and whatnot. BP was 104/78, fetal heart rate was 138 w/ good variability, I measured 40 cm (same as I did at 40w with Poppy) and my urine was normal. Hooray!
After the appointment we headed to Holliday Park for cupcakes and play time. It was hot but not unbearable and the kids had fun. Of course Lolli begged for Molly to come over, which was fine. So Charlie invited Poppy to come play with him - her first ever playdate without Lolli! So we swapped kids for a couple hours and everyone had a blast.
Then it was time for the girls' preschool graduation. It was a cute ceremony and the girls had lots of proud relatives in attendance! Papaw Lucky, Zach & Lauren, Gma & Gpa Morgan (who even brought Paige!), Great Aunt Jodi and Gma & Gpa Great all came! Lolli looked nervous up on stage but sang along and did her hand movements well. Poppy looked as far from nervous as ever and also did a great job with her singing and motions. Just 1 more week of school then they'll be home with Lauren & the baby for 2 months straight - Yikes!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
NOT miserable!
My EDD is tomorrow so this is an exciting time! However, I'd like to put out a little PSA of what not to say to a happily full-term pregnant woman after inquiring when her little one is due to be born:
"Oh, you poor thing, all of mine were born by that point."
"Oh my, you must be absolutely miserable."
"Why haven't they induced you yet?"
"For your sake I hope it's soon."
I know this is mind-boggling to some people, but I'm determined to enjoy these last few weeks, say active, and do my best to focus on the positive (as I've done for the past 36 weeks). I'm not saying I don't have my complaints (just ask my DH ;) and I realize people mean no harm with their comments. But it seems like a majority of the strangers I've encountered have this perception that a 40-weeks pregnant lady must be in agony, and it's just not always true.
That's not to say I haven't encountered positivity from random people as well. The favorite comments I've received in the past few weeks:
"You look great!"
"How exciting!"
"You're moving so well!"
"Wow, and I couldn't even tell you were pregnant from the back!"
Each one of those comments may have been total BS (my thighs are huge, I waddle, and my triple chin is back with a vengeance), but those words sure made me feel a lot better than people trying to talk me into being miserable. I'm not promising I won't have my moments of grumpiness and suffering in the weeks to come but if I do, it'll be on MY terms not because society keeps trying to remind me that I'm "supposed" to be that way at this point.
"Oh, you poor thing, all of mine were born by that point."
"Oh my, you must be absolutely miserable."
"Why haven't they induced you yet?"
"For your sake I hope it's soon."
I know this is mind-boggling to some people, but I'm determined to enjoy these last few weeks, say active, and do my best to focus on the positive (as I've done for the past 36 weeks). I'm not saying I don't have my complaints (just ask my DH ;) and I realize people mean no harm with their comments. But it seems like a majority of the strangers I've encountered have this perception that a 40-weeks pregnant lady must be in agony, and it's just not always true.
That's not to say I haven't encountered positivity from random people as well. The favorite comments I've received in the past few weeks:
"You look great!"
"How exciting!"
"You're moving so well!"
"Wow, and I couldn't even tell you were pregnant from the back!"
Each one of those comments may have been total BS (my thighs are huge, I waddle, and my triple chin is back with a vengeance), but those words sure made me feel a lot better than people trying to talk me into being miserable. I'm not promising I won't have my moments of grumpiness and suffering in the weeks to come but if I do, it'll be on MY terms not because society keeps trying to remind me that I'm "supposed" to be that way at this point.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Rookie Run!
Lolli & Poppy both ran the Rookie Run today. We had to fib a little bit on Poppy's birth date because it was for kids ages 3 and up, but she did just fine. Lauren ran with Poppy and Zach ran with Lolli. Both girls had a 2-block course and received medals and bottles of water at the finish line. Gma & Gpa Great came down to cheer them on. It was also Kid's Day on the Circle so there was lots to see and do. The girls races bikes/pedal carts around a track and Poppy got a tattoo and balloon. Lolli watched a dog show and played a numbers game. Poppy got really freaked out by a peacock mascot but eventually mellowed out. The weather was gorgeous this year!
Lolli had a baseball game earlier this morning so it was a big day all around for sport in our family!
Lolli had a baseball game earlier this morning so it was a big day all around for sport in our family!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Play ball!
Lolli's baseball game tonight was so cute! Not only are the kids adorable, but all 3 of Lo's grandpas were out on the field coaching and helping guide the kids ♥
Which was good because the coach was a no-show :/ The kids didn't seem to notice, though, and 1 other dad helped out, too. Apparently it takes a village to coach a teeball team! And Poppy was the perfect cheerleader with her new pom poms from Grandma (until she ran off to play with her new ball diamond buddies, who all happen to be 8/9 years old LOL).
39 week midwife appointment
Took the girls with me to see Lynda today. They did really well! They played with the toys while Lynda and I chatted, then shared the stool so they could see as she did the palpating, measuring and listened for a heartbeat. My BP was 104/70, baby's heart rate was 130 and I measured 39 which is spot on. We'll definitely get to meet this little guy/gal in the next 4 weeks!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Less than a month to go!
The only thing I know for certain about this baby's birth is that it won't happen past 43 weeks. Which means that I can safely say, without a reasonable doubt, that this is the last 8th of the month that I will be pregnant this go-round! ('Cause June 8th I'd be 43w 1d ;)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
2012 Mini Marathon!
This baby already has a full marathon under its belt and today it earned its first medal for a half marathon :) Zach and Lauren walked the course in 3:33:28 despite her being 38 weeks 2 day pregnant, temps in the upper 70s by the time the race ended and the humidity being about 10000%. The baby slept the whole time and Lauren only had 2 or 3 contractions and never stopped to pee (despite taking in massive amounts of water and gatorade) so they finished about 22 minutes faster than they'd expected. Zach wore his Captain America costume t-shirt and wore his frisbee shield on his back. He got lots of comments, especially when he put his cowl on! But Lauren got even more attention in her shirt that read, "Does this baby make my belly look big?" on the back and "Due May 17th" on the front. Feeling very fortunate to have been able to complete a half marathon at this stage of pregnancy! (Oh, and Lauren lost another good chunk of her plug right before leaving the house for the race! Combined with all that walking and the 'Supermoon' occurring that night, it was probably her best chance of going into labor before 40 weeks. Not surprisingly, it didn't happen ;)
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