Monday, May 21, 2012

Another overachiever!

As of 1:26 this morning, Baby #3 has officially gestated longer than its biggest sister. It still has a ways to go if it wants to beat out Poppy, though! That milestone won't be reached until 3:51am on May 30th. We shall see!

The tub was delivered Thursday night (my EDD) and we got it all set up Friday morning. We filled it Saturday afternoon and Lauren got in it twice yesterday just because it feels AWESOME to be weightless. Plus it's in the bedroom so she can watch tv from the tub ;)

Poppy is super sweet and when you ask her what's in the bedroom she says, "A pool! For mommy to get in to get the baby out! Of her vagina!" Hahahaha And if I ask her if she's going to help she says she's going to "Hold your hand and kiss you and tell you I love you!" Lolli is doing a fantastic job of being patient; I love that "due dates" don't meany anything to them so they're not getting impatient, as we've told them all along it'll probably be a May baby but it could be a June baby, too.

Today makes the kid a Gemini instead of a Taurus. Lauren's a Capricorn, Zach's a Virgo, Lolli's a Libra and Poppy's a Cancer. We've got quite a variety in this household, especially considering Lolli & Zach's birthdays are only 2 days apart. It's also neat that this will be a spring baby, Poppy's a summer baby and Lolli was born on the first day of fall :) I have no desire to have a winter baby, though - I like my warm weather 3rd trimesters very much!

46% of the birth date guesses on the ExpectNet poll have expired. No one even guessed a June date although I won't hit 43 weeks until June 7th. Ay yi yi!

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