Saturday, May 26, 2012

Orion Zane Pucillo (condensed version)

Orion Zane Pucillo was born at home into the water (my first tub birth!) at 41weeks 2days, weighing 9lbs 4oz and measuring 22.5 inches. Still can't believe he has a penis!!!

Long story short: My water broke during a random contraction Thursday morning at 12:58am... and we waited and waited and waited. Labor didn't start 'til Friday evening and even then my contractions never got close together. Somehow I slept in 5 minute increments from 10p-6a 'cause my contractions were still 10 minutes apart even though they SUCKED.

The pushing stage caught us off guard this morning and little Ozzie's head was born into his dad's hands just as our first birth attendant was walking in the front door. Zach was sure glad to have someone else around to help as the rest of Oz emerged about 60 seconds later at 7:49am, just 13 minutes after we sent out the notice for my birth team and family member to think about starting to head over, but telling them there was no rush. Whoops!

Other than the fact that I have no pictures or video of the birth, and not even 1 friend or family member made it in time to see Ozzie's big arrival, it was still very amazing ♥ He's a natural at breastfeeding and I feel great!

Also very thankful we weren't planning a hospital birth because even if I had been able to talk them into letting me wait 55 hours between my water breaking and giving birth, we only really had about 7 minutes notice that birth was imminent, so I would have ended up with an unassisted, unplanned home or car birth, which would definitely not be ideal!

Looking back, I suppose I was going through transition around 6:45am when I told Zach I was thinking about heading to the hospital for some Pit, an epi and a nap... but I was in total denial since my contractions had stayed so spaced out. Even when I got into the tub about 45 minutes before the birth, I was a little worried that I was getting in too soon during early labor and I'd slow things way down. So interesting!

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